Published March 31, 2023 | Version v2
Project deliverable Open

HVDC-WISE Deliverable 5.1: Scope and specifications of the tools and model needs


The goal of HVDC-WISE is to support further development of HVDC-based transmission grids by developing new reliability and resilience (R&R) oriented planning and analysis tools and identifying HVDC-based grid architectures and technologies that can be readily deployed to improve system performance and facilitate the integration of new renewable sources. WP 5 aims at developing tools for R&R-oriented planning and operation of hybrid AC/DC power systems.
This report presents the conceptual framework of the tools to be developed, their scope and further modelling and development needs. The definition of a conceptual framework for R&R-oriented planning and operation of hybrid AC/DC power systems will allow for the integration of the different tools into a single tool set. 


Final_D5.1Scope and specifications of the tools and model needs.pdf

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HVDC-WISE – HVDC-based grid architectures for reliable and resilient WIdeSprEad hybrid AC/DC transmission systems 101075424
European Commission
HVDC-WISE: HVDC-based grid architectures for reliable and resilient WIdeSprEad hybrid AC/DC transmission systems 10051113
UK Research and Innovation

