Published December 30, 2023 | Version v1
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Phenomenology of the Total State by Aurel Kolnai

  • 1. ROR icon Institute of Philosophy and Sociology


The aim of the paper is to reconstruct the relationship between Kolnai’s criticism of the total state, the embodiments of which were, according to him, both the national-socialist as well as the communist state, and his philosophical apology of the corporate state. The goal of an endeavor is to contribute to both history of the phenomenological movement as well as to theory of the state by a systematic reconstruction of Kolnai’s phenomenology of the state as an unjustly unacknowledged position within the 20th-century political theory.


Andrzej Gniazdowski - Phenomenology of the Total State by Aurel Kolnai.pdf

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Book: 978-961-7014-40-2 (ISBN)


National Science Center
The Phenomenology of the State. A Historical-Critical Introduction 2020/39/B/ HS1/03477