Published December 30, 2015 | Version v1
Journal article Open

A Study on Customers' Attitude towards Mobile Banking Adoption in India



                             This study aims to assess the influence of awareness on customers’ attitude towards M-BANKING in Delhi. It investigates whether the attitude varies among M-BANKING users on the factors such as perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived security & privacy and perceived risk due to difference in their degree of awareness on these factors. The study uses pre structured questionnaire for survey using non -probability sampling. Factor analyses and regression technique were employed to study the relationship. The results show that difference in customers’ attitude among M-BANKING users depends up on the difference of their degree of awareness on factors such as perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived security & privacy and perceived risk.

The small sample size is representative of the respondents from Delhi only who were selected through non-probability sampling. This has an effect on the generalization of the findings. Future research may be conducted on larger sample size to examine the influence of awareness on customers’ attitude  including some other factors such as reliability, safety, cost and compatibility, personal innovativeness in information technology (technology support) etc. This paper suggests managerial implications for retail bankers in Delhi to increase the degree of awareness among   M-BANKING users.

The influence of awareness on customers’ attitude towards M-BANKING was assessed by measuring the degree of awareness of constructs defined in Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and of two new constructs “Perceived security &privacy” and “Perceived risk”. Reliability of the factors was estimated by using Cranach’s Alpha.


Key words: Customers’ awareness, M-Banking, Security & Privacy, perceived risk, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)    


paper-5 Issue-11 Full paper page 49-70 Irshad ahmad Dr Keshav Gupta Dec-2015.pdf

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