BIBB Berufearchiv
The Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), founded in 1970 on the basis of the Vocational Training Act (BBiG), prepares the content of training regulations. The goal of this dataset is to digitize the historical documents contained in the vocational archive (Berufearchiv) by extracting and structuring text from scanned images. The focus here is on the processing of historical German vocational education and training (VET) and continuing vocational education and training (CVET) regulations to support educational research. This dataset contains data from 1908 to the present and includes paper documents, scanned documents as PDF, and fully converted XML documents and additional metadata. This dataset currently contains metadata.
This dataset contains all documents with digitized metadata from the BIBB Berufearchiv. It contains 1,709 records with 32 properties, including, for example:
id | lfd. Nr. |
Occupation | Beruf |
Title | Titel |
Subtitle | Titelzusatz |
Editor | Herausgeber |
Publisher | Verlag |
Location | Ort |
Year | Erscheiningsjahr |
Edict year | Erlassjahr |
Entry into application | Inkrafttreten |
Category | Kategorie |
Number of pages | Anzahl Seiten |
Keywords | Schlagworte |
Additional details
- Development Status
- Active