Small Group and Survey Datasets: "Fostering Metacognition and Feedback Loops in a Summer Undergraduate Research Program: A Pilot Study"
These datasets accompany the paper "Fostering Metacognition and Feedback Loops in a Summer Undergraduate Research Program: A Pilot Study" by Chad Curtis PhD and Kaytlin Gomez.
The first dataset consists of free responses from n=12 students researchers during a Small Group Metacognitive Practice (SGMP) intervention conducted during the 2023 INBRE Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (iSURF) at Nevada State University. The files include:
- transcription.docx: Transcriptions of both individual (n=12) and small group (n=4) responses from the SGMP session.
- codingR1.xlsx: Codings used for the thematic analysis, as coded by the primary investigator.
- codingR2.xlsx: Codings used for the thematic analysis, as coded by the co-author.
- KrippendorffAlpha.xlsx: Inter-coder reliability calculations using Krippendorff's alpha.
The survey data was collected from n=11 participants at the end of the summer research program. The files include:
- surveyData.csv: Anonymized responses to survey questions regarding the SGMP intervention.
This study was approved by the Nevada State University Review Board (Protocol #2305-0346). All procedures in the study were conducted in accordance with approved protocols. Written informed consent was obtained from the subjects for their anonymized information to be published with the article.