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Published March 11, 2024 | Version v1
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Armenian Dialects Map

  • 1. ROR icon University of Pennsylvania
  • 2. ROR icon University of Ottawa


Data collector:


I've essentially augmented the original hand-drawn map of dialects featured in Adjarian's 1909/1911 Armenian Dialectology and added more than a hundred additional Armenian dialects mentioned by Djahukyan, Aghayan, Vaux, etc.. I still occasionally add some dialects if they are sufficiently described as some sort of coherent community at some point in the past or present.
The colours are based on what form the indicative mood particle or the present participial suffix take (for the Western dialects: blue = gə/g’/kə/k’; dark blue = ka/ga; violet = ha/hay; for the Eastern dialects: green = -um;  red = -s; gray = -l; and for the Classical pattern which makes use of neither strategy, yellow). Note that this is just for convenience, as this single morphological trait is not the end-all-be-all trait that defines coherent clades.
See for a constantly updated map.


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