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Published March 7, 2024 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Year-Long Stability of Nucleic Acid Bases in Concentrated Sulfuric Acid: Implications for the Persistence of Organic Chemistry in Venus' Clouds

  • 1. ROR icon Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • 2. ROR icon Worcester Polytechnic Institute


Year-Long Stability of Nucleic Acid Bases in Concentrated Sulfuric Acid: Implications for the Persistence of Organic Chemistry in Venus’ Clouds

* correspondence:

Supplementary datasets:

Dataset S1. Dataset S1 contains original NMR data. 

The folder “DATASET S1 - 1 YEAR BASES IN CSA ORIGINAL” contains the following data: 

a) Original data for 13C NMR spectra collected after 1-year week incubation in concentrated sulfuric acid.

b) Original data for 1H NMR after 1-year incubation in 98% w/w sulfuric acid.

c) Mnova files used for the comparison of the 1-year spectra to the original NMR spectra published in the original study (


The 1D-13C NMR measurements in sulfuric acid at different concentrations follow the following naming convention. Different concentrations (by weight) of sulfuric acid in water are denoted by different letters from H-K: 98% D2SO4/2% D2O; 94% D2SO4/6% D2O; 88% D2SO4/12% D2O; 81% D2SO4/19% D2O, all with DMSO-d6 as a reference and at room temperature.

H - 81% D2SO4/19% D2O with DMSO-d6 as a reference and at room temperature
I - 88% D2SO4/12% D2O with DMSO-d6 as a reference and at room temperature
J - 94% D2SO4/6% D2O with DMSO-d6 as a reference and at room temperature
K - 98% D2SO4/2% D2O with DMSO-d6 as a reference and at room temperature



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