Published March 7, 2024 | Version v1
Other Open

A review of transitional agreements in the UK (appendices)


Detailed appendices, originally accompanying A Review of transitional agreements in the UK - a report commissioned and governed by Jisc’s strategic groups with input from Delta Think, an open access (OA) data and analytics company. The full report explores the OA landscape and the particular role of transitional agreements (TAs), with the aim of gathering evidence, promoting discussion in the higher education and research sectors, and includes recommendations for action.

The appendices include:

  • reference tables on Article Processing Charges and number of articles globally and in the UK by OA status
  • a detailed explanation of the methods used throughout A Review of transitional agreements in the UK, including notes on original data sources and limitations
  • detailed results of analysis of costs and savings associated with TAs by publisher
  • detailed results of investigation of publisher compliance with funder mandates by publisher
  • summary results of survey on publisher transparency and OA strategies
  • reference table on the availability of TA dashboards per publisher
  • detailed notes on case study interviews carried out with three institutions on their experience of TAs




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Is supplemented by
Report: 10.5281/zenodo.10787924 (DOI)