Published March 5, 2024 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Philosophical Foundations of Management Research: A Comprehensive Review

  • 1. ROR icon Jinan University


This article offers an in-depth exploration of the significance of research philosophy in the realm of management studies. It conducts a critical review of research philosophy, encompassing ontological, epistemological, and axiological dimensions, shedding light on their implications for management research. Traditional ontological perspectives, including realism, idealism, and pragmatism, are analyzed along with their influence on the field. Moreover, contemporary ontological debates are discussed, emphasizing their relevance to management research. The article also delves into the role of epistemology in shaping research methodologies, examining positivism, interpretivism, and critical realism as prominent frameworks. Emerging epistemological trends are explored, highlighting their impact on management research. Throughout the review, novel insights are presented, providing a foundation for future theoretical and empirical development. Researchers are encouraged to embrace ethical pragmatism, dynamic reflexivity, and epistemological pluralism, which can lead to more comprehensive and adaptable theories. The article concludes by calling for continued exploration and innovation in research philosophy to shape the future of management research. It emphasizes the dynamic nature of research philosophy and its potential to drive positive change in the management field.


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  • Sun, P., & Zuo, X. (2024). Philosophical Foundations of Management Research: A Comprehensive Review. Journal of Scientific Reports, 6(1), 1-22. doi: