Published April 25, 2012
| Version 12183
Journal article
Color View Synthesis for Animated Depth Security X-ray Imaging
We demonstrate the synthesis of intermediary views
within a sequence of color encoded, materials discriminating, X-ray
images that exhibit animated depth in a visual display. During the
image acquisition process, the requirement for a linear X-ray detector
array is replaced by synthetic image. Scale Invariant Feature
Transform, SIFT, in combination with material segmented morphing
is employed to produce synthetic imagery. A quantitative analysis of
the feature matching performance of the SIFT is presented along with
a comparative study of the synthetic imagery. We show that the total
number of matches produced by SIFT reduces as the angular
separation between the generating views increases. This effect is
accompanied by an increase in the total number of synthetic pixel
errors. The trends observed are obtained from 15 different luggage
items. This programme of research is in collaboration with the UK
Home Office and the US Dept. of Homeland Security.
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- J.P.O. Evans, and M. Robinson, "Design of a stereoscopic X-ray imaging system using a single X-ray source," Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation Int. (NDT&E), vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 325-332, 2000.
- J.P.O. Evans and H. W. Hon, "Dynamic stereoscopic X-ray imaging," J. of NDT&E, vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 337-345, 2002.
- J.P.O. Evans, Y. Liu and J. W. Chan, "Depth from motion 3D X-ray imaging for security screening," in IEE ICDP, pp. 5-8, 2005.
- J.P.O. Evans, Y. Liu, J. W. Chan, and D. Downes, "View synthesis for depth from motion 3D X-ray imaging," Pattern Recognit. Lett, vol. 27, no. 15, pp. 1863-1873, 2006.
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