Published December 21, 2007 | Version 10747
Journal article Open

Vision Based Robotic Interception in Industrial Manipulation Tasks


In this paper, a solution is presented for a robotic manipulation problem in industrial settings. The problem is sensing objects on a conveyor belt, identifying the target, planning and tracking an interception trajectory between end effector and the target. Such a problem could be formulated as combining object recognition, tracking and interception. For this purpose, we integrated a vision system to the manipulation system and employed tracking algorithms. The control approach is implemented on a real industrial manipulation setting, which consists of a conveyor belt, objects moving on it, a robotic manipulator, and a visual sensor above the conveyor. The trjectory for robotic interception at a rendezvous point on the conveyor belt is analytically calculated. Test results show that tracking the raget along this trajectory results in interception and grabbing of the target object.



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