Published October 18, 2007 | Version v1
Presentation Open

Tools to Build Clients

  • 1. ROR icon OPeNDAP


This slide deck was presented at the Software Developer’s Workshop was held in Melbourne, Australia from October 17-18, 2007 for the Australia Bureau of Meteorology (BOM). The workshop targeted developers and focused on building custom modules, adding support for new data formats and new service protocols to, as well as extending the server to support server-side functions and other protocols. Developers learned how to enable client applications to access OPeNDAP data servers using several different client libraries.

Summary of the slide deck: 

The presentation highlighted toolkits based on C/C++ such as Libdap (a C++ library), Ocapi (a C library), Libnc-dap (for building clients using netCDF), and Loaddap (for building clients using Matlab or IDL). Two types of clients were discussed: those built using DAP implementations and those built using non-DAP APIs, each with its advantages and considerations. The usage model of Libdap was outlined, emphasizing the Connect class as the primary interface for client access, and the process of obtaining metadata and accessing data was explained. The presentation concluded by summarizing client APIs, highlighting similarities between DAP APIs and other data access methods like netCDF and HDF.



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