Published February 25, 2024 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The Competitiveness Changes in Tourism and Generally during Crises


The main purpose of this paper is to find different parallels in the concept of competitiveness and the explanation of factors of competitiveness in tourism based on the Tourism Competitiveness Index compared to some generally built models of competitiveness and to the WEF´s Global Competitiveness Index. The aim was not to explain the methodics of indexes creation, but the influence of crises on competitiveness.

Method of comparison was used in both indexes (Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index and WEF´s Global Competitiveness Index) during the last years with the focus on the period of COVID-19.  

Research disclosed several changes in the world in competitiveness in tourism and generally and revealed that many countries that were leaders in competitiveness in tourism and generally lost their hegemony, which could be useful to understand the impact of crises on the the global picture of competitiveness in the positive and also negative way.



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