Satellitenbildkarte/Satellite Image Map (with contours) 1:2 000 000 Filchner-Ronne-Schelfeis, Antarktis, 1992
- British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge (UK)
- Sevmorgeologija, Sankt Peterburg (RU)
- Forschungsstelle für physikalische Glaziologie, Universität Münster (DE)
- Institut für Vermessungskunde, Universität Braunschweig (DE)
- Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge (UK)
- Institut für Angewandte Geodäsie (Now: Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie), Frankfurt am Main (DE)
Satellite image map (with contours), Landsat-4 and 5 Multispektral Scanner, mainly recorded in February/March 1986 and October 1987, Ice front position in 1986/87 derived from optical satellite imagery, positions in 1992/94 derived from ERS-1 SAR data; Satellite image mosaicking, Geocoding and map compilation see Sievers, J., et al. (1989); Elevation data derived from various airborne and ground-based measurement techniques; Sources used for: Satellite imagery, Topographic and glaciological Satellite image interpretation, Elevation data, Generic terms of geographical names and glaciological features, 11 Scientific references: see map legend; Inset maps: Location diagram, Satellite image coverage diagram, Satellite imagery coverage diagram, Elevation data source diagram, Geographical names overview;
Scale: 1:2000000;
Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic;
Bounding Box: POLYGON ((-90 -75, -15 -75, -15 -83, -90 -83, -90 -75));
Datum: WGS72
BKG-ANT005_Sat Map_Filchner-Ronne-Schelfeis_2M_1992.pdf
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- Published in cooperation with British, German and Russian research organisations in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Antarctic Treaty; Map projection parameters have been used according to the recommendations of SCAR WG on Geodesy and Geographic Information; Swithinbank, C. W. M., Brunk, K., Sievers, J. (1988), A glaciological map of Filchner-Ronne-Schelfeis, Antarctica. Annals of Glaciology, 11, 150-155; Sievers, J., Grindel, A., Meier, W. (1989), Digital satellite image mapping of Antarctica. Polarforschung, 59, 23-33; Sievers, J., et al. (1994), Validating and improving elevation data of a satellite image map of Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica, with results from ERS-1, Annals of Glaciology 20, 347-352, Cambridge (UK); Illustrated Glossary of Snow and Ice, Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge, 2nd Ed. (1973) and Proposed New Terms and Definitions for Snow and Ice Features, Polar Record 18, No. 116, (1977); Composite Gazetteer of Antarctica, UK Antarctic Placenames Committee (1993), US Board on Geographic Names (1989), Norwegian Map Series Dronning Maud Land 1:250 000, Index of Russian geographical names of the Antarctic (1989), Index of German-language Antarctic place-names (1993);