Published October 31, 2023 | Version v2
Project deliverable Open

Training material package for using EN-TRACK by building owners and contractors

  • 1. EnEffect Consult


Project leader:

Project member:

  • 1. ICAEN
  • 2. CIMNE


This document builds upon the interim training materials package and aims at providing support for the building owners and operators (BO) using the EN-TRACK platform. While the first document was focused more on general description of the platform functionalities and the available data sources to be used for supplementing the platform with data, the main focus of this report is to provide training materials for BO who are already using the platform.

The report begins with a section providing step-by-step guidance for the registration process, followed by instructions for provision of data. This is followed by a focus on the outputs that EN-TRACK provides. The report then concludes with guidance on how BO can best use the outputs during their day-to-day work.

As the platform will be open for non-registered users (with limited functionalities), who will have access to general statistical data, a guide for them for accessing and downloading the main outputs is also included.

In the Appendixes (A to D) a detailed overview of the data sources available both in Spain and Bulgaria is given, as in many cases non experts are expected to input data to be used by the management of the organisations registered.


D6.2 Training Matherials package for using EN-TRACK by building owners and contractors.pdf

Additional details


European Commission
EN-TRACK – Energy Efficiency Performance-Tracking Platform for Benchmarking Savings and Investments in Buildings 885395