Published February 22, 2024 | Version v1
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[IO Islamic 469] ديوان كليم


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  • Dîwân-i-Kalim
  • his manuscript is now IO Islamic 1563 in the India Office collections.
  • [metadata: Hermann Ethé, Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts in the Library of the India Office, 2 vols. (Oxford: India Office, 1903): volume 1, number 469 here with notations and hyperlinks].

Kalîm (Nos. 1563-1570).


Dîwân-i-Kalim (ديوان كليم).

The dîwân of Mirzâ Abû âlib Kalîm of Hamadân, who lived for some time in Kâshân, went to India in the beginning of Jahângîrs regin, attached himself to Rûḥ-alamîn (see above, No. 1539), whom he accompanied A.H. 1028 (A.D. 1619) to Irâḳ, returned two years after to India, rose at Shâhjahâns court to the dignity of a king of poets (see above, No. 1552), and died, according to the oldest authorities, the Pâdishâhnâma, and the Mirât-alkhayâl, No. 71 (col. 209 in the Bodleian Cat.), A.H. 1062 (A.D. 1652), in Kashmîr.

Most of the other and more modern tadhkiras fix his death in A.H. 1061 (A.D. 1651), for instance, Kalimât-alshuarâ (A. Sprenger, Catal., p. 113); Safînah, No. 747 (col. 237 in the Bodleian Cat.); Khazâna-i-‘âmirah, No. 101 (ib., col. 259); Khulâṣat-alafkâr, No. 223 (ib., col. 310), and Makhzan-algharâib, No. 2189 (ib., col. 369), where a chronogram on the poets death by Mullâ Ṭâhir Ghanî is quoted, viz. طور معنى بود روشن از كليم (see the same in the Hamîsha Bahâr, A. Sprenger, Catal., p. 128), and where, besides, the curious statement is made, that he succeeded Ḳudsî as king of poets at Shâhjahâns court; see also the Âtashkada, No. 588 (col. 282 in the Bodleian Cat.) and Khulâṣat-alkalâm, No. 60 (ib., col. 300), where a full list of his mathnawîs is given. Other copies of his dîwân are described in the Bodleian Cat., Nos. 1116-1121; Rieu ii. p. 686 sq.; A. Sprenger, Catal., p. 453 (comp. also pp. 90 and 151); and W. Pertsch, Berlin Cat., pp. 920 and 921.

Kalims dîwân, also mentioned in Ḥ. Khalfa iii. p. 304, No. 5636, has been lithographed in Lucknow, 1878.


1.Ḳaṣîdas and ḳiṭ’as, on fol. 1a, beginning:

شوق هر كس را كه در راه طلب سر ميدهد

گر درآرد اوّل از پا آخرش پر ميدهد

2.A series of short mathnawîs, on fol. 97b, of the same description and headings as those noticed in the Khulâṣat-alkalâm, loc. cit., and in Nos. 1116 and 1117 of the Bodleian Cat. The headings, which are filled in here, are as follows: مثنوى در تعريف و .... كتابۀ دولتخانۀ پادشاهى, on fol. 79b; كتابۀ دولتخانۀ اكبر آباد, on fol. 80a; تعريف اكبر آباد و غيره, on fol. 81a; تعريف جنگ فيل سلطان اورنگزيب, on fol. 87a; and در صفت قحط دكن, on fol. 91a; the remaining headings are left blank.

3.Ghazals, in alphabetical order, on fol. 128b, beginning:

بدل كردم بمستى عاقبت زهد ريائى را

رسانيدم بآب از يمن مى بنياد تقوى را

4.Rubâîs, on fol. 348a, beginning: هر چند كه مرد قول و فعلش تبهست الخ.

No date.

No. 469, ff. 360, 2 coll., each ll. 12; very careless and unequal Nasta’lîḳ, written, as it seems, by different hands; size, 9 in. by 5½ in.



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