Published February 21, 2024 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

GDI - D3.2 Node deployment roadmap

  • 1. ROR icon CSC - IT Center for Science (Finland)
  • 2. ROR icon Vlaams Instituut voor Biotechnologie


This deliverable aims to determine the timelines for each country to deploy a European Genomic Data Infrastructure node, as well as start to understand the expectations and requirements each country has regarding the deployed and operational GDI node. This information will help Pillar II to address specific issues raised by participating countries, and identify common issues and gaps raised by the different countries.

Presented here are the results of two different outreach activities to the participating countries, the first to understand each country’s timelines to reach onboarding, deployment, or operational status, and second to get a high level understanding of each country's expectations and requirements of a GDI node. 

For the first activity 59% of the countries involved in GDI responded, and for the second 66% initiated a response, and 54% had answered one or more questions. This clearly indicates a risk related to the lack of engagement from some countries, with an associated risk that the development of the technical infrastructure within GDI may not support every country’s specific use cases and requirements nor the 1+MG requirements for providing border access to high quality genomic and health data. To address this, a specific face-to-face node engagement workshop is being planned for March 2024 to tackle the technical issues and increase engagement and feedback between the countries and Pillar II.  Additional actions would be required to be taken by Pillar I and/or the project coordinator to tackle non-technical issues, e.g. securing long-term national funding for the operations of the infrastructure through the establishment of national genomics plans or equivalent

The responses also indicate a range of ambitions in terms of reaching a specific stage in the deployment process. This needs to be investigated to ensure that the understanding of the requirements for each stage is the same for all countries and also conforms to the 1+MG Data Governance model. This will be explored and completed in association with the quarterly reporting and the maturity level model, as well as a Cross Pillar F2F meeting.



202310 - GDI_D3.2 Node deployment roadmap.pdf

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European Genomic Data Infrastructure (GDI) 101081813
European Commission

