Published February 21, 2024 | Version v1
Lesson Open

Pedagogical approach to equity and diversity in teacher education: Portfolio guidelines

  • 1. ROR icon University of Limerick
  • 1. InFo-TED: International Forum for Teacher Educator Development


This is a resource from the ED-TED Online Resource Bank, that is suggested to be used as a pedagogical approach to equity and diversity in teacher education. ED-TED is an Erasmus+ Teacher Academies project (Key Action 2 - Cooperation among organisations and institutions) aimed to promote equity and diversity in teacher educators' professional development. The resource presents a step by step approach to create a digital portfolio related with equity and diversity matters in teacher education. It is used in a teacher education programme in the module 'Sociological Concepts of Teaching and Leaning in Physical Education' at the University of Limerick. It could be used as an assigment for preservice teachers. It is suggested to have an individual and a group sections. The percentage allocated to each section should be decided and co-negotiated with preservice teachers. In this case the whole portfolio is worth a 50% of the final grade of a particular modules/course. It also includes the criteria to be used for the grading of the submission. All the suggested elements of the resource could be adapted to the context in which it can be used. Ideally it will be used wth preservice teachers that had at least one school placement experience.



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Erasmus+ Teacher Academies 2023-1-DE01-KA220-HED-000152242
European Commission

