Cribellopsis arnaudae Chiocchini (Cruz-Abad 2018
Cribellopsis aff. arnaudae Chiocchini (Cruz-Abad, 2018)
Last but not least, Cribellopsis aff. arnaudae Chiocchini has recently been reported from the upper Albian of southern Italy by Cruz (2018) differing from C. arnaudae by a more acute apical angle and a higher number of chambers in the last 0.5 mm test length. In any case, the higher apical angle fits within the range observed in "P". prestati. The differences are here interpreted as environmentally driven rather than being of taxonomic importance (= separate species). It is worth mentioning, that in juvenile specimens the apical angle is mostly higher whereas in adult stages there is a tendency for test widening (Schroeder, 1962, p. 174). In conclusion, also the forms described as Cribellopsis aff. arnaudae Chiocchini by Cruz-Abad (2018) are considered as subjective synonyms of Cribellopsis moulladei as interpreted herein.
Stratigraphy: Peybernès and Delmas (1981) described Paracoskinolina prestati from the upper? Albian Mustahil Formation of Somalia based on material from Prestat (1977) (see synonymy). It is worth mentioning that the top of the Mustahil Formation is considered an earlymiddle Albian age by Russo et al. (1991). There are contrasting views about the stratigraphic distribution of Cribellopsis arnaudae from Italy. In the original description C. arnaudae was considered a good marker species for lower Albian inner platform carbonate facies (Chiocchini, 1989, p. 40). Later, in a new stratigraphic compilation, C. arnaudae was assigned a short interval within the lowermost upper Albian (Chiocchini et al., 2012, fig. 9). In a recent contribution by Schmitt et al. (2019, in press), C. arnaudae was reported from the lower Albian based on Strontium isotope stratigraphy (and biostratigraphic data). Taking into account these contrasting views, it appears pragmatic, for the moment being, to consider C. moulladei an Albian marker taxon.
Palaeobiogeography: C. moulladei (Saint-Marc) and the proposed junior synonyms Paracoskinolina prestati and Cribellopsis arnaudae have so far not been reported from the northern Neotethysian margin. Lebanon, southern Italy and Somalia were belonging to the southern Neotethysian margin (e.g., Dercourt et al., 1993). With respect to the Northern Neotethysian margin, there were more endemic taxa of Lower Cretaceous Orbitolinidae (Cherchi et al. 1981; Arnaud-Vanneau 2006) (Table 2). C. neoelongata (Cherchi & Schroeder, 1978), C. elongata (Dieni et al., 1963), C. thieuloyi Arnaud-Vanneau, 1980 and C. schroederi Arnaud-Vanneau, 1980 are all only known from areas formerly belonging to the northern Neotethysian margin in the upper Hauterivian-lower Aptian period (Clavel in Granier et al., 2013).
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Linked records
Additional details
- Family
- Orbitolinidae
- Genus
- Cribellopsis
- Kingdom
- Chromista
- Order
- Loftusiida
- Phylum
- Foraminifera
- Scientific name authorship
- Chiocchini (Cruz-Abad
- Species
- arnaudae
- Taxon rank
- species
- Taxonomic concept label
- Cribellopsis arnaudae (Cruz-Abad, 2018 sec. Schlagintweit, 2020
- Cruz-Abad, E., 2018. Textura y Arquitectura de los Orbitolinoideos (Superfamilia Orbitolinoidea): Revision y Caracterizacion. PhD Thesis University of Barcelona, 154 p. Published online: https: // ddd. uab. cat / record / 204096.
- Schroeder, R., 1962. Orbitolinen des Cenomans Sudwesteuropas. Palaontologische Zeitschrift, 36 (3 - 4): 171 - 202.
- Peybernes, B., Delmas, J., 1981. Description de Paracoskinolina prestati nov. sp., Orbitolinide nouveau du Cretace Moyen de la Republique de Somalie. Bulletin de la Societe d'histoire naturelle de Toulouse, 154: 80 - 86.
- Prestat, B., 1977. Marqueurs micropaleontologiques du Jurassique et du Cretace de Somalie centrale. Ann. Mines Geol. (Actes VI Coll. Africain Micropaleontol. Tunis 1974), 28: 273 - 309.
- Russo, A., Bosellini, F. R., Mohamed, C. M., Yusuf, S. M., 1991. Paleoenvironmnetal analysis and cyclicity of the Mustahil Formation (Cretaceous of Central Somalia). Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 96 (4): 487 - 500.
- Chiocchini, M., 1989. Cribellopsis arnaudae n. sp. (Foraminiferida, Orbitolinidae) nel Cretaceo inferior del Lazio meridionale e dell' Abruzzo (Italia central). Bolletino della Societa Paleontologica Italiana, 28 (1): 39 - 48.
- Chiocchini, M., Pampaloni, L., Pichezzi, R. M., 2012. Microfacies e microfossili delle successioni carbonatiche mesozoiche Lazio e Abruzzo. Memorie per Servire alla descrizione della Carta Geologica d´Italia, 17, 223 plates.
- Schmitt, K., Heimhofer, U., Frijia, G., Di Lucia, M., Huck, S., 2019, in press. Deciphering the fragmentary nature of Cretaceous shallow-water limestone archives: A case study from the subtropical Apennine carbonate platform. Newsletters of Stratigraphy.
- Dercourt, J., Ricou, L. E., Vrielynck, B., 1993. Atlas Tethys Palaeoenvironmental Maps, 1 - 307, 14 maps, 1 pl., (Gauthier-Villars) Paris.
- Cherchi, A., Durand-Delga, M., Schroeder, R., 1981. Apercu paleogeographique sur les Provinces a grands Foramniniferes du Cretace Inferieur dans le Cadre structural Mediterraneen. Rapport Commission Internationale Mer Mediterranee, 27: 115 - 119.
- Arnaud-Vanneau, A., 2006. Biogeographic distribution of large shallow-water benthic foraminifers during the Early Cretaceous. Anuario do Instituto de Geociencias 29 (1) (Forams 2006): p. 694.
- Cherchi, A., Schroeder, R., 1978. Osservazioni sul gen. Orbitolinopsis Silvestri (Foraminiferida) e sua presenza nel Barremiano della Sardegna. Bollettino della Societa Sarda di Scienze Naturali, Anno XI, 17: 159 - 167
- Dieni, L, Massari, F., Moullade, M. (1963): Sur quelques Orbitolinidae des calcaires a facies " urgonien " du Cretace inferieur des environs d'Orosei (Sardaigne). Bolletino della. Societa Paleontologica Italiana 2 (2): 3 - 8.
- Arnaud-Vanneau, A., 1980. L´Urgonien du Vercors septentrional et de la Chartreuse. Geologie Alpine Memoire, 11 (3 volumes): 1 - 874.
- Granier, B., Clavel, B., Moullade, M., Busnardo, R., Charollais, J., Tronchetti, G., Desjacques, P., 2013. L'Estellon (Baronnies, France), a " Rosetta Stone " for the Urgonian biostratigraphy. Carnets de Geologie (Notebooks on Geology), Article 2013 / 04 (CG 2013 _ A 04).