Published February 19, 2024 | Version v2
Project deliverable Open

D8.4 Dissemination, communication and networking report - v2


This deliverable D8.4 is a public report, presenting the results of the activities on 
communication and dissemination in the context of Work Package 8 “Sustainability and 
Awareness”, and is the second of the two deliverables (D8.3 [1] and D8.4) providing the results 
of the dissemination and communication achievements obtained during the reporting periods.
This report also contains the relevant activities executed to foster a close collaboration with 
projects related to PIACERE, as well as networking plans implementation follow up.

This deliverable is the last of a series of four respective reports:
▪ D8.1 PIACERE brochure and public website [2]
▪ D8.2 Communication, Networking Plan and Dissemination Strategy [3]
▪ D8.3 Dissemination, Communication and Networking - v1 (RP 1) [1]
▪ D8.4 Dissemination, Communication and Networking - v2 (RP 2)

The deliverable D8.2 [3] has proposed the detailed plan and list of dissemination activities, 
including mainly the classical dissemination channels such as scientific and professional 
publications, participation in workshops and third-party events. The deliverable D8.3 [1] has 
described the results of such actions during the first reporting period.

The present deliverable D8.4 describes the achievements of Dissemination, Communication 
and Networking actions during the second reporting period. The Key Performance Indicators
(KPIs) established at the start of the project have been fully achieved, even in some cases, 
surpassing the target values. The present deliverable considers the reviewers’ 
recommendations implemented in the second half of the project’s lifecycle, resulting from the 
first project review held virtually in June 2022. 


PIACERE D8.4_Dissemination, communication and networking report – v2.pdf

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Project deliverable: 101000162 (Other)