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Published Jul 1, 2020 – Feb 18, 2024 | Version 4.03
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The First Gospel, the Gospel of the Poor: A New Reconstruction of Q and Resolution of the Synoptic Problem based on Marcion's Early Luke

  • 1. Independent Scholar


As principal investigator and project lead, Mark G. Bilby (PhD Virginia, MSLIS Drexel) announces he has discovered a scientific solution to the Synoptic Problem and the restoration of the lost gospel of Qn, the pre-70 CE Judean gospel about Joshua of Nazareth—a text being painstakingly, scientifically, and gradually reconstructed here in most of its breadth and depth for the first time, together with interconnected reconstructions of the earliest versions of the gospels of Mark, Luke, and Matthew. The New Q or Neue Quelle (Qn) is a major excision, expansion, emendation, and simplification of the Q text that New Testament scholars generally accept as the earliest known gospel created by Joshua followers. The discovery and reconstruction of Qn puts Marcion’s Gospel—which has not previously been taken as the primary and earliest textual basis for resolving Q together with the Synoptic Problem—at the center of the puzzle of our earliest Joshua texts and traditions. 

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Bilby, Mark G. (2020-07/2024-02). The First Gospel, the Gospel of the Poor: A New Reconstruction of Q and Resolution of the Synoptic Problem based on Marcion's Early Luke. LODLIB v4.03. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3927056


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