Published February 16, 2024 | Version 2024-02
Dataset Restricted

Belgian ground-motion database (BELSHAKE) flatfile

  • 1. ROR icon Royal Observatory of Belgium


BELSHAKE is the Belgian ground-motion database compiled in the frame of a BRAIN-be project funded by the Belgian Science Policy. It contains various intensity measures computed from digital waveform data recorded mainly by the Belgian seismic network for natural and induced/triggered earthquakes with ML ≥ 2.5 in the region -1° - 9° E and 49° - 52° N, and with ML ≥ 2.0 in the region 2.5° - 7° E and 49.25° - 51.5° N since 1985.

The data are distributed in the form of 2 flatfiles in CSV-format: a generic flatfile (specification defined in accompanying TXT file) and a flatfile that is compatible with the French RESIF database.



The record is publicly accessible, but files are restricted to users with access.

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Belgian Federal Science Policy Office

