Brachiaria Griseb., s.l.
1. Spikelets ≥ 3 mm long................................................. 2
1a. Spikelets <3 mm long............................................... 17
2. Spikelets in a dense and tidy imbricate arrangement of evenly sized racemes; rhachis narrowly winged to broad and foliaceous, (0.5–) 0.8–3.5 mm wide....................... 3
2a. Spikelets not overlapping or overlapping untidily, racemes usually decreasing in length towards apex of synflorescence; rhachis narrow or triquetrous, <0.8 mm wide (rarely narrowly winged up to 1 mm wide)................ 10
3. Lower glume turned away from rhachis, turned towards viewer and therefore visible on majority of spikelets; upper lemma rugulose, with a mucro 0.3–1.2 mm long.......... 4
3a. Lower glume turned towards rhachis, turned away from viewer and not immediately visible on majority of spikelets; upper lemma smooth to rugulose, without or with a minute mucro.............................................................. 5
4. Lower glume ¼–⅓ as long as spikelet; spikelets acute, usually without a setose fringe... 26. Urochloa panicoides
4a. Lower glume ⅔–¾ as long as spikelet; spikelets acuminate, usually with a prominent setose fringe....................................................................... 31. Urochloa trichopus
5. Spikelets 3–4 mm long................................................ 6
5a. Spikelets 4–6 mm long............................................... 8
6. Rhachis margins with yellow bulbous based trichomes; lower glume ⅔–¾ as long as spikelet...................................................................................... 23. Urochloa jubata
6a. Rhachis margins scaberulous or with translucent trichomes; lower glume ⅓–½ as long as spikelet............. 7
7. Spikelets 2.5 –3.7 mm long; lower glume 5 – 7-veined; mostly prostrate plants of low elevations............................................................................ 19. Urochloa distachyos
7a. Spikelets 3.5–4 mm long; lower glume 3-veined; mostly erect plants of High Plateau.......... 16. Urochloa arrecta
8. Rhachis scaberulous; spikelets not obviously plump, acute................................................ 27. Urochloa plantaginea
8a. Rhachis ciliate; spikelets plump and subacute............. 9
9. Rhachis 1–1.5 mm wide; upper glume and lower lemma cartilaginous, dully shining........ 17. Urochloa brizantha
9a. Rhachis 2–3.5 mm wide; upper glume and lower lemma membranous, not shining............... 20. Urochloa eminii
10. Spikelets with a prominent ciliate rim ⅔ from base, with dense white trichomes 1–2 mm long.............................................................................. 9. Brachiaria subrostrata
10a. Spikelets with a no ciliate rim, glabrous to evenly pilose, with trichomes <1 mm long...................................... 11
11. Lower glume ⅔ to as long as spikelet........................ 12
11a. Lower glume up to ½ as long as spikelet................... 14
12. Spikelets dorsally compressed; glumes acuminate to mucronate.................................... 21. Urochloa glumaris
12a. Spikelets laterally compressed; glumes pinched at apices................................................................................... 13
13. Leaf blades linear or rolled, 3–6 mm wide; plants with no smell.................................... 1. Brachiaria antsirabensis
13a. Leaf blades lanceolate, 12–20 mm wide; plants scented.................................................... 6. Brachiaria fragrans
14. Spikelets oblong; upper lemma smooth and shiny............................................... 10. Brachiaria tsiafajavonensis
14a. Spikelets ellipsoid; upper lemma rugulose to rugose... 15
15. Stoloniferous perennials; leaf blades linear; spikelets arranged in several untidy rows..... 24. Urochloa mutica
15a. Loosely tufted annuals; leaf blades lanceolate; spikelets paired........................................................................ 16
16. At least some pedicels longer than spikelets........................................................................... 18. Urochloa deflexa
16a. All pedicels shorter than spikelets......................................................................................... 29. Urochloa ramosa
17. Spikelets ≤ 2 mm long............................................... 18
17a. Spikelets> 2 mm long............................................... 24
18. Spikelets on a single raceme not overlapping, with gaps between..................................................................... 19
18a. Spikelets on a single raceme imbricate or overlapping, with no gaps between most spikelets......................... 21
19. Lower glume absent or up to ⅓ of spikelet length, with no veins; leaf blades thickly chartaceous; spikelets single........................................................ 11. Brachiaria umbellata
19a. Lower glume ½–⅔ as long as spikelet, 3-veined; leaf blades membranous to chartaceous; spikelets paired............. 20
20. Spikelets apically rounded, whiteish, usually> 15 per inflorescence; leaf blades 1–7 × 0.3–1 cm............................................................................ 2. Brachiaria bemarivensis
20a. Spikelets apically acute, green, ≤ 15 per inflorescence; leaf blades 0.5–1.5 × 0.1–0.45 cm... 5. Brachiaria epacridifolia
21. Mat-forming plants not rising> 5 cm above ground level; ligule absent............................... 14. Echinochloa serpens
21a. Plant with erect flowering culms; ligule present........ 22
22. Leaf blades linear; loosely tufted annuals with no stolons; spikelets tidily imbricate on evenly sized racemes....................................................... 15. Moorochloa eruciformis
22a. Leaf blades lanceolate to elliptic or ovate; stoloniferous annuals or perennials; spikelets untidily overlapping on racemes, these decreasing in length going up synflorescence.......................................................................... 23
23. Inflorescence 5–35 cm long; spikelets elliptic to oblong, apically rounded; upper lemma smooth with no mucro................................................. 3. Brachiaria comorensis
23a. Inflorescence 3–5 cm long; spikelets ovate, apically acute; upper lemma finely rugulose, mucronate............................................................................... 30. Urochloa reptans
24. Spikelets densely covered with white to pink trichomes, with short white trichomes in lower part and dense white to pink trichomes c. 2 mm long in upper third; lower lemma grooved and mucronate.... 8. Brachiaria perrieri
24a. Spikelets glabrous or evenly pubescent; lower lemma not grooved or mucronate................................................ 25
25. Lower glume ⅔–¾ as long as spikelet....................... 26
25a. Lower glume minute or up to ⅔ as long as spikelet.. 29
26. Rhachis margins ciliate with yellow bulbous-based trichomes........................................... 23. Urochloa jubata
26a. Rhachis margins scaberulous or with linear translucent trichomes................................................................... 27
27. Spikelets dorsally compressed; ligule absent............................................................... 13. Echinochloa leandriana
27a. Spikelets laterally compressed; ligule a truncate membrane......................................................................... 28
28. Leaf blades linear, 3–7 cm long................................................................................... 1. Brachiaria antsirabensis
28a. Leaf blades lanceolate, 0.8–3 cm long............................................................................. 4. Brachiaria dimorpha
29. Spikelets within a single raceme not overlapping...... 30
29a. Spikelets within a single raceme overlapping or imbricate................................................................................... 34
30. Culms woody; plants resembling a miniature bamboo................................................. 7. Brachiaria fruticulosa
30a. Culms herbaceous; plants a mat forming, stoloniferous, or annual grasses........................................................ 31
31. Spikelets plump, apiculate; upper lemma rugose.................................................................. 29. Urochloa ramosa
31a. Spikelets not obviously plump, apically rounded to subacute; upper lemma usually smooth, sometimes finely rugulose..................................................................... 32
32. Leaf blades membranous; lower glume ½–⅔ as long as spikelet................................ 2. Brachiaria bemarivensis
32a. Leaf blades chartaceous; lower glume ¼–⅓ as long as spikelet...................................................................... 33
33. Leaf blades 1–5 mm wide; open and partly closed canopy habitats in southern Madagascar <800 m elevation..................................................... 22. Urochloa humbertiana
33a. Leaf blades 6–12 mm wide; forest shade in central, northern, and eastern Madagascar at 650–2300 m elevation........................................... 10. Brachiaria tsiafajavonensis
34. Inflorescence capitate, with up to 15(– 30) spikelets on each culm............................. 12. Echinochloa hubbardii
34a. Inflorescence racemose, with> 15 spikelets on each culm................................................................................... 35
35. Racemes 1 –2; plants sprawling branched at every node........................................ 28. Urochloa pseudodichotoma
35a. Racemes> 2; plants sprawling to erect, not branching at every node................................................................. 36
36. Plants annual, with no stolons................................... 37
36a. Plants perennial, stoloniferous or rarely annuals........ 38
37. Spikelets subsessile and tidily imbricate on appressed racemes................................ 15. Moorochloa eruciformis
37a. Spikelets on pedicels of uneven length, partly overlapping, racemes divergent.......................... 29. Urochloa ramosa
38. Racemes 5–20; spikelets in several untidy rows.................................................................... 24. Urochloa mutica
38a. Racemes 2–7; spikelets in 2 rows or not arranged in rows................................................................................... 39
39. Leaf blades 6–12 mm wide; spikelets oblong; species of forests.......................... 10. Brachiaria tsiafajavonensis
39a. Leaf blades 3–7 mm wide; spikelets ellipsoid; species of open areas.................................................................. 40
40. Spikelets neatly imbricate.......... 19. Urochloa distachyos 40a. Spikelets overlapping untidily.......... 25. Urochloa nanaNotes
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Additional details
- Family
- Poaceae
- Genus
- Brachiaria
- Kingdom
- Plantae
- Order
- Poales
- Phylum
- Tracheophyta
- Scientific name authorship
- Griseb.
- Taxon rank
- genus
- Taxonomic concept label
- Brachiaria Vorontsova, 2022