Published June 21, 2017 | Version 1.0
Other Open

Research Data Repository Interoperability Primer

  • 1. Research Data Alliance


Huge amounts of research data stored in a multitude of research data repository platforms can often only be used by a comparably small audience. On the one hand, this is caused by differences in semantics, underlying data models and metadata schemas, whose complexity and number prevents scientists from taking advantage of them. On the other hand, a lack of interoperability between research data repository platforms causes research data not to be used to their full potential. The goal of the RDA Research Data Repository Interoperability WG (RDRIWG) is to achieve consensus on an adoptable approach to facilitating research data repository interoperability for a defined set of initial use cases. The following document represents the first deliverable of the RDRIWG, the Research Data Repository Interoperability Primer. It presents the targeted use cases as well as an overview of standards, technologies and tools this WG has expertise in and which are potentially a part of the proposed consensus. The main focus of the document is on machine operable interfaces, but it also contains a comprehensible collection of data and metadata formats and models focusing on the exchange of digital content in a generic way. Finally, a selection of custom tools is presented, which might not be adopted, but can support decisions through the experience gained while developing and using them. The present document will serve as a basis for discussions towards a consensus to be accepted by a majority of WG members and platform developers in order to achieve a broad adoption of the WGs' outcome and to make progress toward research data repository interoperability.


This document is a Research Data Alliance Supporting Output.



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