Published February 15, 2024 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D7.1 European Citizen Science co-designed strategy for policy engagement

  • 1. Museum für Naturkunde - Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions- und Biodiversitätsforschung


The ‘European Citizen Science co-designed strategy for policy engagement’ is Deliverable 7.1 (D7.1) of the EU-funded project European Citizen Science. This deliverable is part of WP7 ‘Policy impacts and recommendations’, whose overall objective is to promote the recognition of citizen science as a powerful policy-making tool and a valuable research approach for scientific excellence and sustainable development in Europe. It serves as a strategic framework for all policy engagement efforts of WP7 and the entire project, defines five policy priorities, and presents a roadmap of the planned activities and future tasks. 


D7.1 European Citizen Science co-designed strategy for policy engagement.pdf