TURDATA: a database of low-cost air quality and remote sensing measurements for the validation of micro-scale models in the real Prague urban environments
- Bauerová, Petra (Contact person)1
- Šindelářová, Adriana (Data collector)1
- Keder, Josef (Data collector)1
- Vlček, Ondřej (Data collector)1
- Patiño, William1
- Resler, Jaroslav2
- Krč, Pavel3
- Řezníček, Hynek2
- Geletič, Jan2
- Bureš, Martin2, 4
- Eben, Krystof2
- Belda, Michal5
- Radović, Jelena5, 4
- Fuka, Vladimír5
- Jareš, Radek4
- Esau, Igor6, 7
- 1. Czech Hydrometeorological Institute
- 2. Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Computer Science
- 3. Institute of Computer Science, Czech Academy of Sciences
- 4. Studio of Ecological Models
- 5. Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
- 6. Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre, Bergen, Norway
- 7. The Arctic University of Norway
TURDATA is a supplementary data set for the TURBAN project Prague observation campaign described in the manuscript Bauerová et al. 2024 (submitted for publication). The measurement campaign was focused on air pollution and meteorological measurement, including vertical profiles in selected part of Prague city centre called here as Legerova domain. Within this area, one professional meteorological station (MS) Prague Karlov and one reference traffic air quality monitoring (AQM) station Prague 2-Legerova (classified as traffic hotspot) are located. To gain high spatial and temporal resolution data, the supplementary measurement network was established, which consisted of:
- 20 combined low-cost sensor (LCS) stations for monitoring of PM10, PM2.5, NO2 and O3 concentrations (using Plantower PMS7003 particle counters and Envea Cairsense electrochemical sensors) placed in different sites and different height levels AGL (higher = H, lower = L),
- 1 mobile telescopic meteorological mast for measuring temperature, relative humidity, wind velocity and direction and air pressure (using 2D ultrasonic anemometer Gill WindSonic 60 and weather station Gill MetConnect THP),
- 1 MTP-5-He microwave radiometer (MWR; Attex) for temperature vertical profile,
- 1 StreamLine XR Doppler LIDAR (HALO Photonics) for wind vertical profile.
The main Legerova campaign lasted from 30 May 2022 to 28 March 2023 with some exceptions (see TURDATA_metadata.xlsx with all details). Because LCSs are known for their highly variable measurement quality, before their deployment the Legerova campaign, a sufficiently long-term initial field comparative measurement of all LCSs at RM Prague 4-Libuš was carried out (lasting from 16/12/2021 to 30/5/2022). The results showed that most of the LCSs were in raw measurement differently zero-shifted against each other and against gaseous reference or aerosol optical equivalent monitors (RMs or EMs). Therefore, the Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) method was applied to calculate corrected LCS concentrations based on initial field comparative measurement complemented by meteorological data from MS Prague Libuš. To check the quality of raw and MARS corrected LCS concentrations at the end of the measurement campaign, the final comparative field measurement of all LCSs at Prague 4-Libuš RM station was performed.
Therefore, in case of LCSs measurement (both raw and corrected) the important columns of location (measurement placement: RM_Prague_4-Libus and Legerova_domain) and measurement_program (Initial_comparative_measurement, Legerova_campaign and Final_comparative_measurement) were added.
In case of PM10 and PM2.5 measurement the maximum raw and MARS-corrected concentrations were influenced by temporary pollution episode on 26 July 2022 around 4 a.m. and 9 p.m. (both UTC) caused by aerosol pollution transported from large forest fire in Hřensko (the northern part of the Czech Republic).
TURDATA includes the following files:
1. TURDATA_metadata_and_photos.zip containing:
- "TURDATA_metadata.xlsx" with the important list of metadata about devices placement, locations parameters and measurement periods
- Folder "Photos_from_Legerova_campaign" with photos from Legerova measurement campaign
2. AQ_LCSs_raw_measurement_TURDATA.zip containing:
- "NO2_RAW_LCSs_TURDATA.xlsx" with complete data set of NO2 raw measured concentrations by all LCSs
- "O3_RAW_LCSs_TURDATA.xlsx" with complete data set of O3 raw measured concentrations by all LCSs
- "PM10_RAW_LCSs_TURDATA.xlsx" with complete data set of PM10 raw measured concentrations by all LCSs
- "PM2_5_RAW_LCSs_TURDATA.xlsx" with complete data set of PM2.5 raw measured concentrations by all LCSs
- "AQ_LCSs_raw_measurement_TURDATA_readme.txt" with all necessary information for correct data use
3. AQ_data_RM_stations_Prague_TURDATA.zip containing:
- "AQ_data_Prague_RM_stations_TURDATA_12-2021_06-2023.xlsx" with air quality data measured by reference AQM stations in Prague
- "AQ_data_RM_stations_Prague_TURDATA_readme.txt" with all necessary information for correct data use
4. Meteo_data_Prague_MS_TURDATA.zip containing:
- "Meteo_data_Prague_MS_TURDATA_12-2021_06-2023.xlsx" with meteorological data measured by professional meteorological stations in Prague
- "Meteo_data_Prague_MS_TURDATA_readme.txt" with all necessary information for correct data use
5. AQ_LCSs_MARS-corrected_measurement_TURDATA.zip containing:
- "NO2_COR_LCSs_TURDATA.xlsx" with complete data set of NO2 MARS-corrected concentrations for all LCSs
- "O3_COR_LCSs_TURDATA.xlsx" with complete data set of O3 MARS-corrected concentrations for all LCSs
- "PM10_COR_LCSs_TURDATA.xlsx" with complete data set of PM10 MARS-corrected concentrations for all LCSs
- "PM2_5_COR_LCSs_TURDATA.xlsx" with complete data set of PM2.5 MARS-corrected concentrations for all LCSs
- "AQ_LCSs_MARS-corrected_measurement_TURDATA_readme.txt" with all necessary information for correct data use and brief description of MARS correction method
6. Meteo-mast_PVK_measurement_TURDATA.zip containing:
- "Meteo-mast_PVK_TURDATA_06-2022_06_2023.xlsx“ with non-referential meteorological data measured by mobile meteo-mast
- "Meteo-mast_data_PVK_TURDATA_readme.txt" with all necessary information for correct data use
7. MWR_temperature_profile_TURDATA.zip containing:
- "MWR_5min_temperature_TURDATA_02-2022_03-2023.xlsx" with raw temperature vertical profile measurement from microwave radiometer
- "MWR_1hour_temperature_TURDATA.xlsx" with 1-hour averaged temperature vertical profile from microwave radiometer
- "MWR_1hour_TMP_gradient_TURDATA.xlsx" with 1hour temperature gradient calculated from raw temperature profiles measured by microwave radiometer
- "MWR_temperature_profile_TURDATA_readme.txt" with all necessary information for correct data use
8. LIDAR_wind_profile_TURDATA.zip contains:
- Individual folders "yyyymm“ -> "yyyymmdd"
- Each daily folder "yyyymmdd" contains files:
a) "Processed_Wind_Profile_188_yyyymmdd_hhmmss.hpl" with processed WV and WS data
b) "Wind_Profile_188_yyyymmdd_hhmmss.hpl" with non-processed Doppler wind profile data
- "LIDAR_wind_profile_TURADATA_readme.txt" with all necessary information for correct data use
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Additional details
- TURBAN TO01000219
- EEA and Norway Grants
- TURBAN TO01000219
- Technology Agency of the Czech Republic