Published February 8, 2024 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Data release for "Consistent eccentricities for gravitational wave astronomy: Resolving discrepancies between astrophysical simulations and waveform models"

  • 1. Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics
  • 2. ROR icon University of Chicago
  • 3. ROR icon Adler Planetarium


This is a data release to accompany arXiv:2402.07892 "Consistent eccentricities for gravitational wave astronomy: Resolving discrepancies between astrophysical simulations and waveform models".

See also Please cite the paper ( if you use this in a publication or any other scientific work.

The file can be read in using

import pandas

data = pandas.read_hdf("CMC_eccentricities_standardized.hdf5")

The description of the different keys in the file are as follows:

- `m1`: source-frame mass of the primary object in the binary in units of Msun
- `m2`: source-frame mass of the secondary object in the binary in units of Msun
- `chi1`: dimensionless spin of the primary object in the binary
- `chi2`: dimensionless spin of the secondary object in the binary
- `z`: cosmological redshift
- `a0`: Initial separation in AU. This typically corresponds to the stopping criterion in astrophysical simulations.
- `e0`: The eccentricity at the initial separation `a0`
- `f0`: 22 mode frequency corresponding to the initial separation.
- `channel`: Takes values between 1 and 5. 
    - 1: Ejected mergers  
    - 2: In-cluster (two-body) mergers
    - 3: Binary-Single Encounters
    - 4: Binary-Binary Encounters
    - 5: Single-Single Encounters
- `cluster_weight`: Weight given to each binary based on cluster properties (mass and metallicity), assuming some initial mass function for the cluster and metallicity evolution as a function of redshift.
- `cosmo_weight`: Weight given to each binary based on the redshift, to account for cosmological volume.
- `e_W03_*Hz`: Eccentricities extracted from the Wen 2003 prescription at the reference peak frequency specified.
- `e_t_2PN_10Hz`: Eccentricities extracted from the prescription in Vijaykumar et. al. 2024 at reference 22 mode frequency of 10 Hz. 
- `e_t_2PN_Mf_1000HzMsun`: Eccentricities extracted from the prescription in Vijaykumar et. al. 2024 at reference 22 mode frequency corresponding to `M \times f = 1000 Hz Msun`. This ensures that eccentricity is defined at a fixed number of cycles before merger, independent of the cosmological redshift. We strongly recommend that all eccentricity estimates from astrophysical simulations are quoted at a reference frequency corresponding to fixed `M \times f`.
- `total_weight`: `cosmo_weight \times cluster_weight`

NOTE: For mergers belonging to `channel=1`, we straightaway set the `e_t_*` estimates to zero. This is because mergers from this channel will not be eccentric at `f>10 Hz`, and due to its large initial separation is computationally intensive to evolve using the PN evolution equations.



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