Fig. 3. Sperm whale Physeteroidea indet. A in Systematic revision of a Miocene sperm whale from Patagonia, Argentina, and the phylogenetic signal of tympano-periotic bones in Physeteroidea
Fig. 3. Sperm whale Physeteroidea indet. A. Left periotic of nomen dubium "Preaulophyseter gualichensis" Caviglia and Jorge, 1980, MLP 76-IX-5-1, from the Miocene of Gran Bajo del Gualicho Formation, Patagonia, Argentina, in dorsal (A1, A2), ventral (A3, A4), medial (A5, A6), and lateral (A7, A8) views. B, C. Two isolated right periotics from the Miocene of Patagonia, MLP 76-IX-2-3 (B) and MLP 76-IX-2-4 (C), in dorsal (B1, C1), ventral (B2, C2), medial (B3, C3), and lateral (B4, C4) views. Photographs (A1, A3, A5, A7, B, C) and explanatory drawings (A2, A4, A6, A8). Abbreviations: abf, anterior bullar facet; aca, aperture for cochlear aqueduct; ai, anterior incisure; ao, accessory ossicle; ava, aperture for the vestibular aqueduct; eh, epitympanic hiatus; fasu, facial sulcus; fo, fenestra ovalis; fosi, foramen singulare; fr, fenestra rotunda; iam, internal acoustic meatus; lt, lateral tuberosity; mf, mallear fossa; pbf, posterior bulla facet; pofc, proximal opening of facial canal (VII); sct, spiral cribiform tract (VIII).
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