Data from the validation of experimental small scale tilting table results with the in-house ALMA limit analysis code for the case of piers and arches over piers
The dataset is produced by running a series of 628 simulations (264 for 500, 156 for 866 and 208 for COL) using the in-house code ALMA (Analisi Limite Murature Attritive) that implements the upper bound approach of limit analysis to detect the collapse multiplier and mechanism for masonry structures. This set of data contains the results of 628 simulations achieved for the limit analysis of masonry arches over piers and piers along. For the arches semi-circular (denoted with 500) and pointed arches (denoted with 866) have been used. For the piers where arches are supported three different textures are used, namely REG, INS and INF. REG is a running bond texture, INS is a texture that uses a through stone at every second layer of blocks, INF is a texture that uses through stones at every layer of blocks. Regarding the piers alone (denoted with COL) beside the described textures another stacked bond is added denoted with STK.
Various imperfections have been implemented in the geometry for the simulations which are introduced based on some parameters. The reduction at the arch level (denoted with CHI) is fixed at a value of 100 mm (intrados and extrados) for the 500 case and a value of 50 mm (at the extrados) for the 866 case. Piers have horizontal reductions denoted with the greek letter xi (in files denoted with KS) and vertical reductions denoted with the greek letter eta (in files denoted with ET). Finally, four different levels of friction angle are considered (30o, 33o, 36o and 39o) that in the files are denoted with F. Therefore, the files are separated in folders differing from the type of structure (500, 866 and COL) and each file is based on an acronym system formed for example:
"INF_CHI-05_KS-20_ET-50_F33" --> INF - is the type of texture; CHI-05 - is the reduction at the arch level for a value of 50 mm; KS-20 - is the horizontal reduction for a value of 20 mm; ET-50 - is the vertical reduction for a value of 50 mm; F33 - is the friction angle with a value of 33o. For CHI, KS and ET with values of 0, a perfect geometry is intended.
Each folder of this database contains *.dxf, *.txt, .vtk, *.xml and *.png files. In the .dxf files are stored the geometries of the structures under study. In the .txt file the elapsed time and the collapse multiplier of each simulation can be found. The .vtk file contains all the geometry and displacement values of every masonry panel. The .xml files have the input files required for the ALMA code. Finally, the .png file presents the collapse mechanism obtained.