Published December 22, 2010 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Identification of botanical biomarkers in argentinean diplotaxis honeys: Flavonoids and glucosinolates



This article is a postprint of a paper published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. TTruchado P, Tourn E, Gallez LM, Moreno DA, Ferreres F, Tomás-Barberán FA. Identification of botanical biomarkers in Argentinean Diplotaxis honeys: flavonoids and glucosinolates. J Agric Food Chem. 2010. 58(24):12678-85. doi: 10.1021/jf103589c. The copyright of this article is held by editorial


Identification of botanical biomarkers in argentinean diplotaxis honeys_Flavonoids and glucosinolates.pdf