Begonia rossmanniae A. DC.
- 1. Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, 20 A Inverleith Row, Edinburgh, EH 3 5 LR, Scotland, UK. & Botany Department, School of Natural Sciences, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland.
- 2. Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá D. C., Colombia.
- 3. Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, 20 A Inverleith Row, Edinburgh, EH 3 5 LR, Scotland, UK.
- 4. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales, Universidad Nacional Agraria-La Molina, Lima 12, Peru.
65. Begonia rossmanniae A.DC.
Figs 3C, 7F, 81B, 83
Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 15 (1): 333 (de Candolle 1864). – Rossmannia repens Klotzsch, Gattungen und Arten 1854: 219 (Klotzsch 1855).
– Type: PERU – [Huánuco Region: Prov. Huánuco] • Pueblo Nuevo; [9°05′ S, 76°04′ W]; H. Ruíz, J.A. Pavón & J.J. Tafalla Navascués s.n.; lectotype: B [B100243068, F neg. 20860], designated here; isolectotype: G [rpcl 61].
Walpers (1858: 918); de Candolle (1864: 333); Smith & Schubert (1941a: 199, 1946b: 103, 1952: 39); Smith & Wasshausen (1979: 243, 1986: 32); Brako & Zarucchi (1993: 194); Vásquez et al. (2005: 112–125).
Rossmannia repens Klotzsch (nom. inval.; nom. nud.), Bericht über die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Verhandlungen der Königl. Preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1854: 125 (Klotzsch 1854).
Begonia repens Ruiz ex Klotzsch (nom. inval.; nom. rej. pro syn. Rossmannia repens Klotzsch (nom. inval.; nom. nud.)), Bericht über die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Verhandlungen der Königl. Preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1854: 125 (Klotzsch 1854).
This species was originally placed in the genus Rossmannia Klotzsch by Johann Friedrich Klotzsch. When it was transferred to the genus Begonia, Alphonse Pyramus de Candolle chose to use the epithet rossmannia as a nom. nov. The genus Rossmannia and epithet of the species both honour Julias Rossmann, a botanical lecturer at the Giessen University.
Selected specimens examined
PERU • H. Ruiz & J.A. Pavón s.n.; G • 1778–1788; H.A. Ruiz & J.A. Pavón s.n.; MA [MA813504, mixed collection]. – Loreto Region: Prov. Putumayo • Dist. Putumayo, Campamento 1 (Quebrada Bufeo) del Inventario Rápido Biológico y Social 28, alturas entre el río Putumayo y la quebrada Mutún, 3.8 km al suroeste de la Cocha Bufe; 2°19′50.2″ S, 71°36′27.1″ W; 90–145 m a.s.l.; 5 Feb. 2016; M. Ríos, A. Barona, N. Pitman, L. Torres & C. Vriesendorp 5262; USM • río Tigre, San Jacinto, campamento de Occidental Petroleum, ca 30 km arriba de Bartra, ca 20 km arriba de Marsella, ca 20 km abajo del frontera con Ecuador, 0.5 km al E del campamento; 2°28′ S, 75°47′ W; 175–205 m a.s.l.; 10 Jun. 1993; H. Beltrán & R.B. Foster 453; USM • Tigre, río Tigre, 2°33′ S, 75°42′ W; 18 Mar. 1974; S. McDaniel & M. Rimachi Y. 18428; MO [MO-1641408], NY, US [US00424977], USM. – Prov. Loreto • Viernes Santos; 13 Apr. 1979, J. Aronson & J. Rios de Aguilar 905; MO [MO-1643484] • Pampa Hermosa and vicinity, río Corrientes, 1 km S of junction with río Macusari; 3°15′ S, 75°50′ W; 160 m a.s.l.; 3–20 Dec. 1985; W.H. Lewis, M. Elvin-Lewis & M.C. Gnerre 9995; MO [MO-2340413], USM. – Prov. Alto Amazonas • Puranchim, río Shichiyacu; 2°50′ S, 76°55′ W; 200 m a.s.l.; 21–27 Nov. 1986; J. Campos & D. Fast 11901; MO [MO-2340410], USM • Along río Aguaytía above mouth of quebrada Yurac-Yacu; [3°22′ S, 73°00′ W]; 2 Oct. 1972; T. B. Croat 20897; MO [MO-2180421] • Pijuayal, quebrada Tiriima, 1 km S on río Morona and 4 hours by outboard NE of jct. of ríos Pushaga and Morona; 4°22′ S, 77°17′ W; 150 m a.s.l.; W.H. Lewis, M. Elvin-Lewis, D. Fast W. & J.R. Campos 12970; MO [MO-2340408], USM. – Prov. Datem del Marañón • Campamento Sgto. Puño, 3°12′33″ S, 77°35′02″ W; 205 m a.s.l.; 20 Sep. 2010; E. Becarra G. 3078; USM. – Amazonas Region: Prov. Condorcanqui • Dist. Santiago, Cerros Kampankis, Serranía entre los ríos Santiago y Morena, desde río Marañón hasta frontera con Ecuador; 3°07′01.52″ S, 77°46′55.14″ W; 520 m a.s.l.; 3 Aug. 2011; I. Huamanutupa, D. Neill, N. Pitman & C. Kakekai 15152; F [V0386829F], USM • Dist. El Cenepa, Comunidad Aguaruna Pagki- Suwa, río Cenepa; 4°31′35″ S, 78°10′34″ W; 289 m a.s.l.; R. Vásquez, R. Rojas, A. Peña, E. Chávez & E. Quiaco 22103; HUT, MO [MO-286242], US [US00672883], USM • Dist. El Cenepa, Comunidad de Mamayaque, quebrada Chinim, 4°37′01″ S, 78°19′58″ W; 600 m a.s.l.; 15 Aug. 1997; R. Vásquez, R. Rojas, A. Peña, E. Chávez & E. Quiaco 24592; HUT, MO [MO-286224], US [US00672884], USM. – Prov. Bagua • Dist. Imaza, Comunidad Nativa Yamayakat; 4°55′ S, 78°19′ W; 300 m a.s.l.; Jan. 1995; V. Hodges & J. Gorham 46; HUT, MO [MO-286211], US [US00672893] • 3 km E of Chiriaco; [5°10′ S, 78°22′ W]; 260 m a.s.l.; 10 Feb. 1978; D.C. Wasshausen & F. Encarnación 881; K, MO [MO-1641422], US [US00222279], USM • Mesones-Muro highway 18 km below Montenegro, on the E side of the Abra Huahuajin; [5°18′ S, 78°22′ W]; 700 m a.s.l.; 21 Jan. 1964; P.C. Hutchinson & J.K. Wright 3648; K, MO [MO-1641412], NY, US [US00222283], USM. – Ucayali Region: Prov. Padre Abad • Dist. Padre Abad: Boquerón de Padre Abad; [9°04′47″ S, 75°41′ W]; 500 m a.s.l.; 25 Mar. 1962; J. Schunke V. 5819; K, MO [MO-1641404], US [US00222281], USM • Dist. Padre Abad, Cuenca del río Aguaytía, carretera Centro Poblado Yuric, margen izquierda río Yurmac; 9°05′ S, 75°32′ W; 250–300 m a.s.l.; 28 Sep. 2004; J. Schunke V. & J.G. Graham 16127; F [V0088034F], G, MOL [2], US [US01008614] • Dist. Padre Abad, Cuenca del río Aguaytía, carretera al caserio San Miguel y Mapuya, 12 a 17 km de la Aguaytía; 9°05′ S, 75°26′ W; 250–300 m a.s.l.; 10 Aug. 2004; J. Schunke V. & J.G. Graham 16305; F [V0088032F], G [2], MOL, US [US01008616]. – Prov. Coronel Portillo • Dist. Iparía, Cuenca del río Ucayali; 9°22′20″ S, 74°29′20″ W; 220 m a.s.l.; J.G. Graham & J. Schunke V. 4366; MOL, US [US01008611]. – Huánuco Region: Prov. Leoncio Prado • Agua Blanco, carretera Monzón; [9°16′ S, 76°05′ W]; 22 Apr. 1962; J. Schunke V. 5865; MO [MO-1641434], US [US00222285], USM • Vicinity of Tingo María, Monzón road to Puñulla; 25 Jun. 1952, M.E. Matias & D. Taylor 5422; K, US [US00222284], USM. – Pasco Region: Prov. Oxapampa • Dist. Palcazú, Comunidad Nativa Santa Rosa de Chuchurras; 10°07′45″ S, 75°12′54″ W; 300 m a.s.l.; 11 Nov. 2008; M. Huamán, R. Rivera, H. Bautista & B. Bautista 403; HOXA, MO [MO-2425994], USM • Dist. Palcazú, río Alto Izcosacín, Ozuz, 10°19′ S, 75°16′ W; 400– 500 m a.s.l.; 8 May 1985; R.B. Foster & B. D’Achille 9955; K, MOL, US [US00424976] • Along road Chatarra-Puerto Bermúdez; 10°32′ S, 75°04′ W; 890 m a.s.l.; H. van der Werff, R. Vásquez, B. Gray, R. Ortiz & N. Davilla 18387; HOXA, MO [MO-1102984], US [US00843966]. – Prov. Puerto Inca • Reserva Comunal el Sira (parcela permanente 3, RAINFOR); 11°24′38″ S, 74°39′59″ W; 1568 m a.s.l.; 1 May 2011; L. Valenzuela, D. Heredia, A. Furo, L. López, E. Díaz, E. Zans & V. Moreno 18467; HOXA. – Junín Region: Prov. Satipo • río Tambo; 11°23′01″ S, 73°30′21″ W; 492 m a.s.l.; 11 Oct. 2012; E. Chilquillo, R. Soplin & J. Alarcon ECH619; USM. – Madre de Dios Region: Prov. Manu • C.N. Yornybato, across Yornybato, Quispe’s path; 23 Nov. 1996; M.I. Toribio 120; USM • Cerro de Pantiacolla, río Palotoa • 10–15 km NNW of Shintuya, transect to ridgetop; 12°35′ S, 71°18′ W; 650– 700 m a.s.l.; 12 Dec. 1985; R.B. Foster, R. Fernandez & E. Vivar 10732; F, US [US00424978], USM. – Cusco Region: Prov. La Convención • Dist. Echarate, Kapiromashi; 12°09′48″ S, 72°34′31″ W; 750 m a.s.l.; 26–30 Apr. 2004; N. Salinas, H. Beltrán, R. Floster & C. Vriesendorp 6550; USM. – Prov. Paucartambo • entre Mistiana y Keros; [13°01′ S, 71°26′ W]; 700 m a.s.l.; Jul. 1948; J.C. Vargas Calderón 7377; US [US00222288] • Kosñipata; [13°01′ S, 71°27′ W]; 800 m a.s.l.; 27 Apr. 1914; A. Weberbauer 6939; MOL [2].
Caulescent herb, to 3 m high. Stem scandent, branching, rooting at the nodes; internodes to 4.5 cm long, to 4 mm thick, succulent, red, glabrous. Stipules deciduous, lanceolate, 3.5–9 × 1–3 mm, apex acute to acuminate, opaque, green to red, glabrous, margin entire, aciliate. Leaves> 5, alternate, basifixed; petiole 0.5–2 cm long, green to red, glabrous; blade subsymmetric, elliptic, to 12 × 3.5 cm, succulent, apex acuminate, base cuneate, rarely rounded or cordate on the broader side of the blade, margin denticulate to dentate, ciliate, upper surface green, glabrous, lower surface pale green to red, glabrous, 3-veined from the base, with 4–6 secondary veins on the larger side, 4–6 secondary veins on the smaller side. Inflorescences 1 per stem, bisexual, terminal, erect, thyrsoid, with ca 3 lateral branches, bearing up to 10 staminate flowers and 5 pistillate flowers, protandrous; peduncle to 2.5 cm long, green to red, glabrous, bracts persistent, oblanceolate, 5–8 × 3–5 mm, translucent, white, pink, orange or red, glabrous, apex truncate to acute, margin entire to rarely lacerate at the apex, aciliate. Staminate flowers: pedicels to 10 mm long, glabrous; tepals 2, spreading, lanceolate to broadly ovate, 8–10 × 5–7 mm, apex acute, white, pink, orange or red, glabrous, margin entire, aciliate; stamens ca 25, projecting, pale yellow, filaments 0.5–2 mm long, fused at the base, anthers cuboid, 0.8–2 × 0.5–0.8 mm, dehiscing via lateral slits, connectives extended to 0.3 mm, symmetrically basifixed. Pistillate flowers: pedicels to 18 mm long; bracteoles 2, positioned directly beneath the ovary, broadly ovate, 10–15 × 14–18 mm, apex rounded, translucent, white, pink, orange or red, glabrous, margin entire to rarely dentate at the apex, aciliate; tepals 2, equal, late-deciduous in fruit, projecting, lanceolate, 8–10 × 4–5 mm, acute, white, pink, orange or red, glabrous, margin entire, aciliate; ovary body broadly obovoid, 4–6 × 4–6 mm, white, pink, orange or red, glabrous, unequally 3-winged, largest wings paddle shaped, to 10 × 40 mm, smallest marginal, to 2 mm; 3-locular, placentae branches divided, bearing ovules on both surfaces; styles 3, pale yellow, free, 4–5 mm long, once-divided, stigmatic papillae in a spirally twisted band. Fruiting pedicel to 25 mm long. Fruit body obovoid, to 8 × 8 mm, drying brown, wings same shape as in ovary, the largest expanding to 15 × 50 mm, the smallest expanding to 5 mm wide.
Proposed conservation assessment
Widespread and locally common throughout its large range (EOO of> 1 000 000 km 2), which includes several Colombia, Ecuadorian and Peruvian protected areas. We assess B. rossmanniae as least concern (LC).
Typification notes
The protologue for B. rossmanniae cites Klotzsch’s earlier name Rossmanniae repens as a synonym (de Candolle 1864: 333). The name B. repens was unavailable due to the earlier publication of B. repens Lam. (Lamark 1785). Rossmannia repens is therefore the basionym of B. rossmanniae, which is a nom. nov.
The protologue of Rossmanniae repens cites collections made by Ruiz and Pavón in Pueblo Nuevo, which were “discovered and drawn by von Tafalla” (Klotzsch 1855: 219). J.J. Tafalla y Navascués was a botanist that joined the Ruiz and Pavón expedition on the 14 th of November 1784 (Dahlgren 1940: 185). Two sheets of B. rossmanniae are known that have labels written in Tafalla’s hand stating they were collected in Pueblo Nuevo: one housed in B (B100243068) and a second in G. Klotzsch’s handwriting is also on the label on the specimen in B, and we therefore designate this specimen the lectotype of R. repens Klotzsch. It is unclear to whom this specimen should be attributed. As discussed by Tepe (2018), it is usually impossible to determine whether collections made on the Ruiz and Pavón expedition were made by Tafalla, Ruiz or Pavón, or some combination of the three collectors. The expedition visited Pueblo Nuevo before Tafalla joined (Dahlgren 1940: 71) but likely also visited afterwards. While Ruíz’s diaries state that they described “ Begonia repens ” before Tafalla joined the expedition (Dahlgren 1940: 178) it is unclear to which species they were referring. A collection labelled as “ Begonia repens ” collected by the expedition and housed in Madrid (MA813504) is a mixed collection of B. glabra and B. rossmanniae. The earlier description of “ Begonia repens ” may therefore refer to B. glabra. Accordingly, we attribute the type specimen of R. repens and its duplicate in Geneva to Ruíz, Pavón and Tafalla.
It is worth noting that Smith & Wasshausen (1979) cited a specimen collected by Ruiz and Pavón and housed in BM as the holotype of B. rossmanniae. If such a specimen existed, this would constitute an effective lectotypification. Unfortunately, there is no such specimen nor any evidence that one existed. Most likely, Smith & Wasshausen (1979) misunderstood the protologue of B. rossmanniae, which states that specimens of this species were discovered by Tafalla, that he illustrated it, and that this illustration is in BM. It does not state that any specimens are in BM. We have been unable to locate any such specimen or any illustrations by Tafalla in BM.
Identification notes
Begonia rossmanniae is one of the few species of Peruvian Begonia with lanceolate, basifixed leaves and a climbing habit. When flowering, it is trivial to recognise the species as it has orange or red flowers (rather than white). The pair of large, heart-shaped bracteoles that obscure the ovary are also unique to this species. When sterile, the species could be confused with B. peruviana but differs in its venation. Both species have pinnate veins but B. rossmanniae also has three main veins from its base. This venation is shared with B. glabra but this species generally has persistent stipules and broadly ovate to rounded leaves, while the stipules of B. rossmanniae are deciduous and its leaves are lanceolate. Finally, B. rossmanniae could be confused with B. aeranthos but this species has sub-peltate leaves.
Distribution and ecology
Known from Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, and Brazil. Within Peru, it has been collected in Loreto, Amazonas, Ucayali, Huánuco, Pasco, Junín, Madre de Dios, and Cusco Regions (Fig. 81B). Found in Amazonian and lower montane forest at an elevation of 90–900 m a.s.l. It is most frequently collected as an epiphyte on moss-covered stems from 5–20 m from the ground. It has also been observed growing as a terrestrial herb in Ecuador (personal observation) and likely does in Peru too. Its red, pendulous flowers suggest B. rossmanniae may be visited by hummingbirds, but to date no pollination observations have been recorded and the species does not provide a nectar reward.
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Linked records
Additional details
- Collection code
- B , F, G, MOL, US , F, US, USM , F, USM , G , HOXA , HOXA, MO, US , HOXA, MO, USM , HUT, MO, US , HUT, MO, US, USM , K, MO, NY, US, USM , K, MO, US, USM , K, MOL, US , K, US, USM , MA , MO , MO, NY, US, USM , MO, US, USM , MO, USM , MOL , MOL, US , US , USM
- Event date
- 1914-04-27 , 1952-06-25 , 1962-03-25 , 1962-04-22 , 1964-01-21 , 1972-10-02 , 1974-03-18 , 1978-02-10 , 1979-04-13 , 1985-05-08 , 1985-12-03 , 1985-12-12 , 1986-11-21 , 1993-06-10 , 1996-11-23 , 1997-08-15 , 2004-04-26 , 2004-08-10 , 2004-09-28 , 2008-11-11 , 2010-09-20 , 2011-05-01 , 2011-08-03 , 2012-10-11 , 2016-02-05
- Family
- Begoniaceae
- Genus
- Begonia
- Kingdom
- Plantae
- Material sample ID
- B100243068 , ECH619 , MA813504 , MO-1102984, US00843966 , MO-1641404, US00222281 , MO-1641408, US00424977 , MO-1641412, US00222283 , MO-1641422, US00222279 , MO-1641434, US00222285 , MO-1643484 , MO-2180421 , MO-2340408 , MO-2340410 , MO-2340413 , MO-2425994 , MO-286211, US00672893 , MO-286224, US00672884 , MO-286242, US00672883 , US00222284 , US00222288 , US00424976 , US00424978 , US01008611 , V0088032F, US01008616 , V0088034F, US01008614 , V0386829F
- Order
- Cucurbitales
- Phylum
- Tracheophyta
- Scientific name authorship
- A. DC.
- Species
- rossmanniae
- Taxon rank
- species
- Type status
- isolectotype , lectotype
- Verbatim event date
- 1914-04-27 , 1952-06-25 , 1962-03-25 , 1962-04-22 , 1964-01-21 , 1972-10-02 , 1974-03-18 , 1978-02-10 , 1979-04-13 , 1985-05-08 , 1985-12-03/20 , 1985-12-12 , 1986-11-21/27 , 1993-06-10 , 1996-11-23 , 1997-08-15 , 2004-04-26/30 , 2004-08-10 , 2004-09-28 , 2008-11-11 , 2010-09-20 , 2011-05-01 , 2011-08-03 , 2012-10-11 , 2016-02-05
- de Candolle A. P. 1864. Begoniaceae. In: de Candolle A. P. (ed.) Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 15 (1): 266 - 408. V. Masson & fils, Paris.
- Klotzsch J. F. 1855. Begoniaceen. In: Klotzsch J. F. (ed.) Gattungen und Arten 1854: 121 - 255. Berlin.
- Walpers W. G. 1858. Begoniaceae In: Walpers W. G. (ed.) Annales Botanices Systematicae 4: 868 - 942.
- Smith L. B. & Schubert B. G. 1941 a. Flora of Peru, Begoniaceae. Publications of the Field Museum of Natural History, Botanical Series 13 (4 / 1): 181 - 202.
- Smith L. B. & Schubert B. G. 1946 b. The Begoniaceae of Colombia, part 2. Caldasia 4 (17): 77 - 107. https: // www. jstor. org / stable / 23641008
- Smith L. B. & Schubert B. G. 1952. Plants collected in Ecuador by W. H. Camp, Begoniaceae. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 8 (1): 36 - 40.
- Smith L. B. & Wasshausen D. C. 1979. Begonia of Ecuador. Phytologia 44 (4): 233 - 256. https: // biostor. org / reference / 63675
- Smith L. B. & Wasshausen D. C. 1986. Begoniaceae. In: Harling G. & Andersson L. (eds) Flora of Ecuador 25 (133): 4 - 65.
- Brako L. & Zarucchi L. 1993. Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Gymnosperms of Peru. Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 45, Missouri Botanical Garden, St Louis.
- Vasquez R., Rojas R. G,. Monteagudo A. M., Meza K. V., van der Werff H., Ortiz-Gentry R. & Catchpole D. 2005. Flora vascular de la selva central del Peru: una aproximacion de la copmposicion floristica de tres areas naturales protegidas. Arnaldoa 12 (1 - 2): 112 - 125.
- Klotzsch J. F. 1854. Begoniaceae. Bericht uber die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Verhandlungen der Konigl. Preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1854: 119 - 128.
- Lamark J. - B. 1785. Begone rampante, Begonia repens. Encyclopedie Methodique, Botanique 1 (2): 394.
- Dahlgren B. E. 1940. Travels of Ruiz, Pavon, and Dombey in Peru and Chile (1777 - 1788) by Hipolito Ruiz. Botanical Series of the Field Museum 21: 1 - 372. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 2305
- Tepe E. J. 2018. A series of unfortunate events: the forgotten botanist and the misattribution of a type collection. PhytoKeys 109: 33 - 39. https: // doi. org / 10.3897 / phytokeys. 109.28144