Published February 4, 2024 | Version v1
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«En busca de auctoritas: transferencias entre autor, mecenas y lector(a) en "Silva de Sirenas"». Musicología en transición. Eds. Javier Marín-López; Ascensión Mazuela-Anguita y Juan José Pastor-Comín. Madrid: SEdeM (2022), pp. 1265-1287.

  • 1. Universidad de Valladolid


«Silva de sirenas» ranks fourth among the artes de tañer vihuela printed in sixteenth-century Spain. This paper studies this book as a cultural product, especially taking into account its paratexts. Such a perspective allows us to observe how the symbolic power relations between the three main agents involved in its creation are represented and expressed: the author, the mecen and the reader to whom it is potentially addressed. This also offers new answers in relation to its printing process and to the meaning that was sought for the book.


(2022) En busca de auctoritas. Soterraña Aguirre Rincón, SEdeM copia.pdf