Published February 3, 2024 | Version v2.0
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winnifredeatonarchive/wea_data: v2.0

  • 1. ROR icon Simon Fraser University
  • 2. ROR icon University of British Columbia


  • 1. ROR icon University of British Columbia


Release 2.0 of the Winnifred Eaton Archive continues to add many new texts, transcriptions, scholarly publications, and scholarly headnotes to the archive. As well, this release features a new "Note on Language," which arose out of multiple conversations both within and outside of the project team about anti-racist markup practices and ethical engagement with historical texts.

See the project's documentation for the full list of all new texts, transcriptions, and facsimiles added to the archive in v2.0.

Major Changes

  • We have changed how we organize our texts and no longer try to group texts into "works"; instead, all metadata about a text is contained within sourceDesc/msDesc (in preparation for the inclusion of more manuscripts)
  • Instead of the "work," each text now has a set of "Related Items," which facilitates linking between texts that would, bibliographically, be considered distinct "works" (e.g. Cattle (the novels) with Eaton's discussion (and promotion) of the novel in The Calgary Herald ("How I Came To Write Cattle"))
  • Information about surrogates (previous and new editions of a text) is now available within the "Additional Info" segment of each page
  • Documentation revision status (published, in progress, et cetera) is now listed in the toolbar on each page, which provides further detail about the full revision history of a document
  • Following the digitization of the Winnifred Eaton Reeve fonds at the University of Calgary, we have added a new category of text—"Memo"—to describe internal business correspondence written by Eaton while working in Hollywood

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