HumanNav Dataset File Structure
The root folder ```HumanNav``` consists of two folders, including (1) ```src``` and (2) ```traj```:
where the main landmark annotation script `````` stores trajectories collecetd in the simulation. In each trajectory's data is collected in the following format:
where ```<SCENE_ID>``` matches exactly the original one in [Gibson]( and [Matterport]( run by the photo-realistic simulator [Habitat]( Images are saved in either ```.jpg``` or ```.png``` format. Note that ```rgb``` images are the main visual representation while ```depth``` is the auxiliary visual information captured only in the virtual environment.
```worker_graph.json``` stores the meta data in dictionary in Python saved in ```json``` file with the following format:
{"img_path": "./human_click_dataset/traj_<SCENE_ID>/rgb_<FRAME_ID>.jpg",
"depth_path": "./human_click_dataset/traj_<SCENE_ID>/depth_<FRAME_ID>.png",
"location": [<LOC_X>, <LOC_Y>, <LOC_Z>],
"orientation": <ORIENT>,
"click_point": [<COOR_X>, <COOR_Y>],
"reason": ""},
{"img_path": "./human_click_dataset/traj_00101-n8AnEznQQpv/rgb_00002.jpg",
"depth_path": "./human_click_dataset/traj_00101-n8AnEznQQpv/depth_00002.jpg",
"location": [0.7419548034667969, -2.079209327697754, -0.5635206699371338],
"orientation": 0.2617993967423121,
"click_point": [270, 214],
"reason": ""}
"goal_location": null,
"start_location": [<LOC_X>, <LOC_Y>, <LOC_Z>],
"landmarks": [[[<COOR_X>, <COOR_Y>], <FRAME_ID>], ...],
"actions": ["ACTION_NAME", "turn_right", "move_forward", "turn_right", ...]
"env_name": <SCENE_ID>
where ```[<LOC_X>, <LOC_Y>, <LOC_Z>]``` is the 3-axis location vector, ```<ORIENT>``` is the orientation only in simulation. ```[<COOR_X>, <COOR_Y>]``` are the image coordinates of landmarks. ```ACTION_NAME``` stores the action of the robot take from the current frame to the next frame.