Published May 20, 2024 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Data for "High-temperature low-cycle fatigue and fatigue-creep behaviour of Inconel 718 superalloy: Damage and deformation mechanisms"

  • 1. ROR icon Czech Technical University in Prague
  • 2. ROR icon Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physics of Materials
  • 3. ROR icon Central European Institute of Technology
  • 4. Institute of Physics of Materials, CAS


Title of dataset: Data for "High-temperature low-cycle fatigue and fatigue-creep behaviour of Inconel 718 superalloy: Damage and deformation mechanisms"
Name/institution/contact information: Dr. Michal Bartošák, Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, email:
Date of data collection: The data were collected from the start of 2021 to the end of 2023.
File name structure: The data within the folder "SEM" are images of microstructural observations of selected specimens. The data within the folder "FATIGUE_LIFE" include the fatigue lifetimes, as well as the stress and strain amplitudes at mid-life, of all investigated specimens.

See for the associated article and a detailed description of the methods.


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Is supplement to
Publication: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2024.108369 (DOI)


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