Design Authorship: an intrinsic driver of designer-entrepreneurs
- 1. Design Innovation, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Maynooth, Kildare, W23PR94, Ireland
- 2. Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University, Newcastle, Tyne and Wear, NE1 8ST, UK
- 3. Design, National College of Art and Design, Dublin, Dublin, D08 K521, Ireland
This paper describes the entrepreneurial journey of product designers and the driver that makes them take an idea into the market. Following a Constructivist Grounded Theory approach, a multiple-phase data generation method explored the entrepreneurial journey of eleven designer-entrepreneurs (D-entrepreneurs). The paper describes the driver named design authorship (D-authorship) and why it is essential in the entrepreneurial journey of designers. The study identified two types of D-authorship: a) the inside-out, where D-entrepreneurs spent considerable time obtaining perfection in the product without any user feedback involved, and b) the outside-in, where D-entrepreneurs build their product as a result of a systematic user-centric approach.
Product designers are equipped with the right skills and knowledge to create new products. This paper describes the entrepreneurial journey of eleven designer-entrepreneurs starting their product-based companies. However, most of these products never reach the market because of the gap between invention and product launch. This research has identified a critical driver that meant these designers did finally launch products. We call it Design Authorship (D-authorship). The study identified two types of D-authorship: a) the inside-out, where D-entrepreneurs spent considerable time perfecting the product without any user feedback, b) the outside-in, where D-entrepreneurs build their product as a result of a systematic user-centric approach.
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