Published January 27, 2024 | Version v1
Software Open

Replication Package for Paper "Test-Case Generation with Automata-based Software Model Checking" SPIN 24

  • 1. LMU Munich
  • 2. ROR icon Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München


Replication package for the paper:
"Test-Case Generation with Automata-based Software Model Checking" by Max Barth and Marie-Christine Jakobs.

It contains all tools and data that are necessary to reproduce the results in our paper.
The included README contains detailed instructions.

Abstract. Software quality is often evaluated by testing the software on
an adequate test suite, e.g., a test suite achieving certain or high coverage
of the software. Manually generating such test suites is tedious. Thus,
several automatic test-case generation approaches were developed to support this task. Approaches based on software model checking typically
achieve high coverage and have been shown to be sufficiently efficient
in the past. Yet, there does not exist a test-case generation approach
using the successful software model checker Ultimate Automizer. To close
this gap, we present Ultimate TestGen, a test-case generator built on
the automata-based approach to software model checking used by Ultimate Automizer. An experimental comparison of Ultimate TestGen against
a closely related, up-to-date test-case generation approach reveals that
Ultimate TestGen generates test suites that achieve the same or higher
branch coverage for nearly 75% of the tested programs.

SHA256 checksum: b028cd4dda4e3aa33565fcc12afb2fb7ab3720f97c87850d5eddaed5e7174f92


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