methylation_vs_transcription Python3 script
This script was designed for the project:
"Epigenetic background of lineage-specific genome expression landscapes
of four Staphylococcus aureus hospital isolates"
Author: Oleg Reva (
Last update: January 23, 2024
Usage: python3 /path/ [-argument option, ...]
Run the script without any arguments to display a command prompt menu
Output files will be stored into the directory output/'project_name'
-h Show this help text
-p Project sub-directory in the 'input' directory
-i Input sub-subdirectory with GFF files containing nucleotide
methylation data generated by the program ipdSummary
This sub-directory must be located in the project directory (option -p)
Default: 'GFF'
-g Input sub-subdirectory with GBK files of annotated genomes
This sub-directory must be located in the project directory (option -p)
Default: 'GBK'
-t Input sub-subdirectory with transcription data (RPKM) files
This sub-directory must be located in the project directory (option -p)
Default: 'RPKM'
-f Input sub-subdirectory containing the file COG.txt
This sub-directory must be located in the project directory (option -p)
By default this option is empty. COG.txt is expected in the project directory.
-k Categories of gene regulation: 'Expression categories' | 'Regulation categories'
Default: 'Expression categories'
-n Number of categories (positive integer > 1)
Default: 6
-c Cut-off methylation score value (positive integer)
Default: 20
-1 Sliding window start location relatively to transcription start sites (TSS)
can be a positive or negative integer
Default: -360
-2 Sliding window end location relatively to transcription start sites (TSS)
(can be a positive or negative integer)
Default: 180
-w Sliding window width (positive integer)
Default: 36
-s Sliding window step (positive integer)
Default: 9
-d Smoothing sliding windows, can take values 0,1,2
0 - no intermediate windowa
1 - two intermediate windows with a shift -u
2 - five intermediate windows with a shif -u
Default: 1
-u Smoothing shift step (positive integer), used when -d > 0
Default: 2
-o Cut-off p-values (positive floating-point number)
Default: 0.05
-m Methylation type: 'A', 'C', 'm6A', 'm4C', 'm5C'
Default: 'A'
-z Save regulated genes: "All" | 'No' | 'Reg'
Save a text output file. In the current version, there is no difference between 'All' and 'Reg'
Default: 'All'
-a Graph color scheme: first color for bars with negative LD, second for positive LD
Default: 'cornflowerblue,gold'
A graph will be shown only if the matplotlib Python module is installed
(70.6 MB)
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