Published January 24, 2024 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Pusulissus quangninhensis Constant & Pham 2024, sp. nov.

  • 1. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, O. D. Phylogeny and Taxonomy, Entomology, Vautier street 29, B- 1000 Brussels, Belgium.
  • 2. Mientrung Institute for Scientific Research, Vietnam National Museum of Nature, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet Street, Hanoi, Vietnam. & Graduate School of Science and Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam.


Pusulissus quangninhensis sp. nov. A5D5064C-EAB2-4C1A-809A-DA2074260167

Figs 26–27


Pusulissus quangninhensis sp. nov. can be recognized by

(1) the anal tube widely subrhomboidal as wide as long in midline with apical margin truncate and slightly emarginate in middle, with lateral flaps distinctly reflexed ventrad with lateral angles angularly rounded (An – Fig. 27A–B);

(2) the neck of the capitulum of the gonostyli rather high (ca – Fig. 27A);

(3) the shape of the lateroventral processes of the aedeagus directed mesocephalad in basal ⅓, then strongly upcurved and sinuate as to wrap around aedeagus, and with apical ⅓ indistinctly curved cephalad, but not surpassing dorsal margin of aedeagus in lateral view (lvp – Fig. 27E–G).

Differential diagnosis

The closest species is P. phiaoacensis, which differs by a less wide anal tube (Bourgoin & Wang 2020: figs 8–9), a shorter neck of the capitulum of the gonostyli (Bourgoin & Wang 2020: fig. 10) and the shape of the medioventral processes of the aedeagus, not directed mesad (subparallel) in basal portion, then strongly recurved with apex surpassing dorsal margin of aedeagus and directed posterodorsad (Bourgoin & Wang 2020: figs 11–13).


The species epithet refers to ‘Quang Ninh’, the province where Dong Son-Ky Thuong Nature Reserve, the type locality, is located.

Type material


VIETNAM • ♂ (dissected – Figs 26–27); Quang Ninh Province, Dong Son-Ky Thuong Nature Reserve; 21°08′29″ N, 107°04′53″ E; 27 Aug. 2022; 550 m a.s.l.; secondary forest; GTI Project; J. Constant, J. Bresseel and L. Semeraro leg.; I.G.: 34.518; RBINS.


VIETNAM • 1 ♀; same collection data as for holotype; VNMN.


MEASUREMENTS AND RATIOS. LT: ♂ (n = 1): 6.9 mm, ♀ (n = 1): 7.1 mm; LT/BB = 1.44; LTg/BTg = 2.0; LW/BW = 1.30; BV/LV = 2.15; LF/BF = 1.20.

HEAD (Fig. 26A–D). Vertex variegated brown, distinctly broader than long in midline and with lateral margins longer than midline, with all margins carinate; anterior margin weakly convex, posterior one deeply angularly concave and lateral ones subparallel; disc shallowly excavate with obsolete median carina. Side of head yellowish with triangular black marking at anterodorsal angle; anteroventral angle projecting anteriorly in a small round lobe. Frons elongate and generally smooth, brown with band along dorsal margin and narrower band subparallel to lateral margins, blackish, distinct yellowish spot in middle on each side of median carina and yellowish band along frontoclypeal suture; median carina extending from dorsal margin down nearly to rounded frontoclypeal suture, orangish on disc; row of irregular yellowish tubercles along dorsal and lateral margins (in black bands); dorsal margin distinctly concave, lateral margins distinctly sinuate. Clypeus variegated black-brown, weakly elevated medially. Labium brown with last segment longer than broad, and shorter than penultimate. Scape short, ring-shaped, brown; pedicel bulbous, yellowish brown.

THORAX (Fig. 26A, C–D). Pronotum variegated yellowish brown; about 0.6 times as long as mesonotum in midline; anterior margin carinate, strongly sinuate and strongly, angularly protruding anteriorly between eyes, with carinae directed obliquely posteriorly, not reaching hind margin of pronotum; posterior margin weakly bisinuate; no median carina but with impressed point on each side of median line; lateral portion behind eye very narrow, laminate; blunt, pale yellowish tubercles along posterior margin; paranotal lobes (lateral view) broad, brown in outer portion, yellowish in inner portion and with large black marking behind lower margin of eye, and with posteroventral angle straight. Mesonotum variegated yellowish brown with longitudinal carinae obsolete but marked by dark brown lines; smooth, slightly depressed before scutellum; nearly complete transverse carina along anterior margin. Tegulae yellowish brown.

TEGMINA (Fig. 26A–B, D). Variegated yellowish brown (greener in live specimens) with darker area along costal margin, sometimes darker basal marking between ScP+RA and RP and more or less distinct transverse band at midlength; subcoriaceous with longitudinal veins yellow, elevated and with dense reticulum of pale yellow veinlets; shape elongate and convex with sides broadly rounded, widest at basal ⅓, about 2.4 times as long as broad; narrowly rounded apically. Postclaval margin weakly rounded on distal half and weakly notched at apex of clavus. Clavus closed, reaching about midlength of tegmen. Venation: ScP+R forking close to base after short common stem, ScP+RA and RP running more or less parallel to costal margin and not forked; MP forked close to base after short common stem, resulting veins both forked again further; CuA simple, sinuate, more or less parallel to claval joint, then to sutural margin towards apex of tegmen; Pcu and A 1 fused at apical ⅓ of clavus, resulting Pcu+A 1 reaching apex of clavus.

HIND WINGS (Fig. 26E). Brown with large basicostal portion of lobe Sc-R-MP-CuA and base of lobe CuP-Pcu-A 1 yellow-brown; venation slightly darker than corresponding background; wing broader than tegmen and deeply bilobed at CuP; costal margin moderately sinuate; CuP-Pcu-A 1 lobe broadly rounded along postclaval margin and about 1.4 times as wide as Sc-R-MP-CuA lobe, the latter slightly shorter and with apical margin obliquely rounded; A 2 lobe reduced and narrow. Venation: longitudinal veins ScP-R-MP-Cu well distinct; Pcu and A 1 separated; numerous cross-veins; A 2 distinct.

LEGS (Fig. 26A–D). Moderately elongate and slender, brown femora darker than corresponding tibiae; posterior margin of pro- and mesofemora with row of acute irregular small teeth. Metatibiae with 2 lateral spines in distal half and 8 apical spines. Metatibiotarsal formula: (2) 8 / 8 / 2.

ABDOMEN (Fig. 26B). Black brown, each tergite with a yellowish, crescent-shaped marking on each side.

MALE TERMINALIA. Pygofer (Py – Fig. 27A–D) about 2.5 times as high as long in lateral view, with anterior margin weakly concave and posterior margin more or less straight on both sides of an obtuse angle under half height. Gonostyli (G – Fig. 27A, C–D) (in lateral view) about as long as high (with dorsal capitulum), projecting posteriorly in distinct lobe rounded apically, and concave; capitulum (ca) with wide neck, directed dorsad, with distal portion anteroposteriorly flattened, with apical hook directed cephalad and with lateral laminate projection in dorsal half with outer margin under it strongly concave in caudal view. Aedeagus (Fig. 27E–J) symmetrical, strongly curved dorsad (in lateral view), but with distal ⅓ more or less straight; pair of elongate lateroventral processes (lvp) directed mesocephalad in basal ⅓, then strongly upcurved and sinuate as to wrap around aedeagus and with apical ⅓ weakly curved cephalad, but not surpassing dorsal margin of aedeagus in lateral view; ventral lobe of periandrium (vl) evenly widening posterior to medioventral processes, then more or less parallel-sided, apical margin truncate with small round projection in middle. Connective (co) elongate, curved, with teciductus (te) well developed. Anal tube (An – Fig. 27A–D) dorsoventrally flattened, in dorsal view subrhomboidal with rather short parallel-sided base, and apical margin truncate and slightly emarginate in middle, as wide as long in midline, with lateral flaps distinctly reflexed ventrad with lateral angles angularly rounded; anal opening at about basal ¼.


Pusulissus quangninhensis sp. nov. was collected in August on lower vegetation and bushes, in moist evergreen tropical forest at about 550 m in altitude (Fig. 1B).


Vietnam: Quang Ninh Province, Dong Son-Ky Thuong Nature Reserve (Fig. 1A).


Published as part of Constant, Jérôme & Pham, Hong Thai, 2024, Sixteen issid planthopper species in one day in Dong Son-Ky Thuong Nature Reserve in North Vietnam: Eight new species, one new genus and additional new records (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Issidae), pp. 1-87 in European Journal of Taxonomy 919 (1) on pages 52-56, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2024.919.2407,


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Collection code
Event date
Scientific name authorship
Constant & Pham
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
holotype , paratype
Verbatim event date
Taxonomic concept label
Pusulissus quangninhensis Constant & Pham, 2024


  • Bourgoin T. & Wang M. - L. 2020. Parahiraciini (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Issidae): one new genus, two new species and three new subtribes. ZooKeys 997: 69 - 94. https: // doi. org / 10.3897 / zookeys. 997.52857