Published January 25, 2024 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Factors That Affect Grade 6 Students' Oral Interaction In English Classrooms: In the case of Sheik Abdiwahab Primary School, Kabri dahar Dstrict, Korahe Zone, Somali Region Ethiopia.


The purpose of this study was to find out the factors affecting the students’ oral interaction in English classroom, to assess the roles of English teachers in enhancing the students’ oral interaction and causes of students’  poor oral interaction. Thus, To conduct the study, descriptive survey method was employed. The study was conducted in grade six students of Sheik Abdiwahab primary school, east Ethiopia Somali region and to collect the data, from 225 students, 30 top ten students from three sections (i.e. section A-C) were used for distributing questionnaire, and 6 students, that 3 students from each class were selected using purposive sampling technique for interview. These students were the three top ranking students who were selected to keep the quality of interview data. however six English teachers were selected using comrehensively sampling technique for the interview due to their limited number in the school. Questionnaire consisting of closed and open ended questions was used as the main data gathering tool. It was substantiated with in depth interviews. The findings of the study revealed that both the teachers and students have positive attitude towards English oral interaction, as continuous oral assessment. Surprisingly, however, the results of the study indicated that continuous oral assessment in English wa neglected area of practice. Among the factors affecting the effective implementation of continuous oral interaction are the students’ linguistic background, structural constraints, absence of primary school level assessment policy, in adequacies in the use of informal continuous oral assessment methods, negligence of formative continuous assessment, negative attitude of teachers and students towards speaking lesson, students seem to have lack of motivation for speaking skill because their teachers didn"t encourage them, and their teaching method don’t allow students to speak freely were found to be the major ones. Finally, recommendations were put forward based on the major findings so as to minimize the problems affecting the effective implementation of continuous oral interaction.



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