Published January 24, 2024 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Dataset for Study Long-Term Changes in Urban Bird Populations: Correspondence of the Trends between Urban and Rural Areas

  • 1. Charles Univeristy, Prague, Czechia
  • 2. Czech Society for Ornithology


Datasets used for a study "Long-term changes in urban bird populations: correspondence of the trends between urban and rural areas".

In the code (deposited in Zenodo at follow the instructions and use these datasets where indicated. Find the detailed dataset information below.

1.       Bird_spec_dt.csv” is used for calculating long term population trends for urban and rural environments.


Type (rural/urban) refers to the type of environment of the point.

POID refers to the unique number for individual points.

Transect refers to the number of transect in JPSP program.

Point refers to number of the point within transect in JPSP program.

Year refers to the year of count of the individual species on individual point.

Lat and Lon refer to geographical position of the point.

Species refers to the scientific name of the bird.

Euring refers to a unique code for the species in Euring database.

Count refers to the maximum count of a species at a specific point in a given year.

2.       Bird_spec_trends.csv” is used to test relationship of the trends in rural and urban environments.


species refers to the species scientific name.

Trend (_R/_U) refers to the species trends slope.

Trend (_R/_U)_SE refers to the standard error of the trends.

z.ratio (_R/_U) refers to the z ratio of the trends.

p.value (_R/_U) refers to the p-value of the trends.

asymp.LCL (_R/_U) refers to the lower confidence interval limit of the trends.

asymp.UCL (_R/_U) refers to the upper confidence interval limit of the trends.

3.       Bird_spec_traits.csv” is used to test relationships of species traits and their trends in urban/rural environments.


Spec refers to the scientific species name abbreviations.

Full_name refers to the common species name.

Type [Urban (Urb)/rural (Rur)] refers to environment from which the trend was obtained.

SE_trend refers to the standard errors of the trends.

Hab_position refers to the habitat niche position which is defined as the position of each species along the gradient from forest interior (value = 1) to open treeless landscape (value = 7) and obtained from Hanzelka et al. (2019).

Wet refers to the species association with wetland habitats (WetN – not associated, WetY – associated) obtained from Honzelka et al. (2019).

BM refers to the body mass, which is mean body weight of the species in grams obtained from Hořák and Storchová (2018). 



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