Published January 23, 2024 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Megistophylla andrewesi Moser 1913

  • 1. Dazhulin, Chongqing 621000, China.
  • 2. 177 Aoti Road W, Lixia District, Jinan City, Weifang 261000, China.
  • 3. Guangdong Key Laboratory of Animal Conservation and Resource Utilization, Guangdong Public Laboratory of Wild Animal Conservation and Utilization, Institute of Zoology, Guangdong Academy of Sciences, 105 Xingang Road W., Guangzhou 510260, China.


Megistophylla andrewesi Moser, 1913

(Figs. 37–63)

Megistophylla andrewesi Moser, 1913: 49.

Type material examined. Syntypes, 1 ♂ (BMNH): Andrewes / Bequest / B. M. 1922-221. // Maymyo, / Burma. / H. L. Andrewes. [typeset] // Type [red round label] // Megistophylla / andrewesi Mos. / Type [handwritten] (Fig. 7–40); 1 ♂ (BMNH): Cotype // Maymyo, / Burma. / H.L.Andrewes. // Andrewes / Bequest. / B.M.1922-221 [print] // Maymyo V.10 / H.M.Andrewes [handwritten].

Additional material examined. 20 ♂♂ and 6 ♀♀ (CFLW): CHINA: Yunnan Province, Puer City, Simao District, Yuxian Village, on light, 2022.V.23, Min-Ze Su leg.; 1 ♂ (BMNH): Koni. Shanptatep Tandesp. 1888 [handwritten] // Megistophylla / andrewesi. Mos / Compared with / type. G. J. A. [handwritten and typeset] // Sharp Coll. / 1905-313 [typeset].

Redescription of males (Figs. 37–53, 59–63). Length: 19.7–20.5 mm, width: 9.8–10.6 mm. Body elongate ovoid, rather convex (Fig. 39).

Color: Dorsal surface reddish brown, anterior margin of clypeus, antennal club, teeth of protibial, anterior margin and posterior margin of pronotum, and scutellum dark reddish brown; ventral surface lighter than dorsal surface obviously (Fig. 37).

Head: Clypeus board, anterior margin slightly incurved at middle and reflexed; surface with dense punctures; punctures rough and partly coalescent. Frontoclypeal suture raised, extend backwards to frons in the middle. Frons densely punctate; rough punctures gradually denser and smaller to the vertex; compound eyes large; canthus with a row of short setae; frons width 1.72 times as wide as interocular. Frontal carina developed and sharp. Vertex deeply and sparsely punctate (Fig. 44). Antennae with 10 antennomeres, antennal club composed of 8 antennomeres, curved in apical half; antennomere 2 with a sharp stab; antennomere 3 thicker and shorter than the other clubs; antennal clubs 3.0 times longer than antennomeres 1–2 combined (Fig. 45).

Mouthparts: Labrum strongly depressed at middle; dorsal side with dense short setae along depression (Fig. 60). Mandible with wrinkled molar lobe and rounded notch in incisor lobe (Fig. 61). Distal galea of maxilla with 5 sharp teeth (Fig. 62). Mentum distinctly bilobate at apical half and formed a triangular-shaped notch at anterior margin; each paraglossa with 4 setae near base of labial palpus (Fig. 63).

Pronotum: Wide trapezoid; surface densely punctate, partly adjacent to each other. Middle longitudinal line weakly raised.Anterior margin complete smooth but not flanged, with a concavity at each lateral end; lateral margins setiferous and weakly crenulate at anterior half; smooth at posterior half; anterior angles acute and prolonged; posterior angles obtuse rounded.

Scutellum: Anterior margin incurved at middle; lateral sides sparsely punctate (Fig. 46).

Elytra: Surface of elytra wrinkled indistinctly; overall shallowly and densely punctate, punctures sparse to dense from middle to sides. Sutural costa developed, gradually fade before hind angles. Sides with a row of long soft setae.

Pygidium: Apex rounded, surface deeply and sparsely punctate; sides slightly reflexed, margins with long hair-like setae (Fig. 47).

Venter: Ventral thorax covered with rather long yellow hair densely. Metepisternum narrow. Entire surface of metepisternum and metepimeron covered with rather deep, dense punctures and long yellow hair. Middle of abdominal sternites 2–4 flat in lateral view, sides of abdominal sternite 4 with deep punctures. Surface of propygidium with sparse, deep punctures. Posterior sternites 5 and anterior sternite 6 depressed longitudinally at middle.

Legs: Metafemora sparsely punctate and setiferous ventrally; central area glabrous. Protibia tridentate, terminal tooth and second tooth acute, basal tooth nearly right angle, inner surface with a row of long setae, inner spur short. Apex of mesotibia and metatibia widening; inner apex with a few of short, and stout spinule surrounded; inner apex with two spurs subequal in length. Inner surface of metatibia with a few of setae. Outer surface of meso- and metatibia with a complete transverse carina; setae on carina as long as those on apex. Protarsi and mesotarsi with dense setae in different lengths aggregated at apex of tarsomeres 1–3. Each pro-, meso- and metatarsal claw with a tooth vertically medially.

Aedeagus: Male genitalia asymmetrical in dorsal view and ventral view. Phallobase as long as parameres or slightly longer than parameres; dorsal surface with a depressed longitudinal sulcus at middle. Parameres goose-head-like and bilateral symmetry with a central concave area, and rather convex in lateral view, basal half of upper margin flat and prominent; apex 1/2 slender beak-shaped; apex acuminate (Figs. 48–52). Endophallus with temones at dorsum, epithelium at middle and caudal diverticulum. Epithelium covered with punctate sensillae connected to ventral side of temones, and lots of short spine in posterior membrane. Apex of endophallus has nearly 30 spines of varying sizes and a slender, long setae cluster. Temones with two dorsal elongate apophysis extending into a basal piece; distal ends surrounding endophallus; caudal diverticulum sac-shaped (Fig. 59). Spiculum gastrale Y-shaped.

Description of female (Figs. 54–58). Length: 19.1–20.0 mm, width: 9.4–10.3 mm. Similar in general appearance and color to males, female exhibits distinct differences as follows (Figs. 54–57): antennal club shorter; terminal tooth of protibia longer; tarsus generally shorter; femur wider, apex of metatibia wider; posterior sternite 5 and anterior sternite 6 depressed longitudinally at middle. Antenna with 10 antennomeres, antennal club composed of 8 antennomeres, antennal club slightly longer than antennomeres 1–2 combined (Fig. 57). Female genitalia (Fig. 58): Genital chamber membranous, dorsal wall with anal and gonopore fold; anal fold at posterior genital chamber with two pairs of transverse vestigial tergites bilaterally symmetrical, located on lateral sides of rectum. Ventral wall of gonopore fold with a pair of long, obtuse triangle sensory plates. Anterior genital chamber with a pair of triangular-shaped vestigial sternites ventrally; vestigial sternites with punctate and sensory setae. Two developed, rounded accessory glands located on both sides of anterior end of genital chamber, each with a dark area. Median oviduct with wrinkled and hardened epithelium. Spermatheca long banana-shaped; spermathecal gland absent. Bursa copulatrix with an oval-shaped pouch at proximal part bearing a long, strong peduncle connected to median oviduct.

Chinese name. üƶDzẅm

Remarks. This species has previously been documented in China, Myanmar, and Thailand (Hua 2002; Itoh 1995; Li et al. 2016; Moser 1913). Hua (2002) included M. andrewesi in the records for China, specifically Yunnan province, but without providing precise details. However, our specimens collected in Yunnan provide precise distribution in China. The antenna of specimens from Yunnan China differs from the type specimens in three characters: 1) the stab of antennomere 2 is longer and shaper; 2) the antennomere 3 is stouter; 3) the upper margin of parameres is well-crooked in lateral view (Figs. 48–52).


Published as part of Wang, Fa-Lei, Li, Yan-Long & Gao, Chuan-Bu, 2024, Description of two new Megistophylla Burmeister, 1855 species from China, with a redescription of M. andrewesi Moser, 1913 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae), pp. 431-446 in Zootaxa 5403 (4) on pages 440-445, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5403.4.2,


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Megistophylla andrewesi Moser, 1913 sec. Wang, Li & Gao, 2024


  • Moser, J. (1913) Neue indische Melolonthiden. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 1913, 49 - 70.
  • Hua, L. - Z. (2002) List of Chinese Insects. Vol. II. Zhongshan (Sun Yat-sen) University Press, Guangzhou, 378 pp.
  • Itoh, T. (1995) Melolonthinae from Thailand, II. Elytra, 23 (2), 195 - 204.
  • Li, C. - L., Yang, P. - S. & Wang, C. - C. (2016) Two new species of Megistophylla Burmeister (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae) from Taiwan, with notes on the genus. Zootaxa, 4126 (2), 240 - 250. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4126.2.4