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Published January 24, 2024 | Version v1
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Reuse indicators for KB images in Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons, the 2023 update

  • 1. Koninklijke Bibliotheek


A year ago I wrote an extensive article about three related indicators that showed the reuse and public reach of KB collection images via Wikipedia in a historical perspective (2013-2022). This article showed that Wikipedia is a very effective way to make images from KB's (heritage) collections visible all over the world. It also showed that over the years our collection images have gained steadily growing global audiences. (KB= national library of the Netherlands)

At the beginning of January 2024, I measured these three indicators again, this time covering the year 2023. These are:

In this article I share the results and insights from these measurements.

Notes (English)

Key Takeaway
The web page discusses the reuse indicators for KB (national library of the Netherlands) images in Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons, specifically focusing on the 2023 update. It highlights the effectiveness of Wikipedia in making KB collection images visible globally.


  • The article discusses the reuse and public reach of KB collection images via Wikipedia in 2023.
  • It emphasizes that Wikipedia is an effective platform for showcasing images from KB's heritage collections worldwide.
  • Over the years, KB's collection images have gained a steadily growing global audience.
  • In January 2024, the author measured three key performance indicators (KPIs) for 2023:
      - KPI 2: The number of KB collection images on Wikimedia Commons (as of 10-01-2024).
      - KPI 4: The number of unique Wikipedia articles using those images (as of 10-01-2024).
      - KPI 8: The number of requests for those Wikipedia articles per month (as of 10-01-2024).
  • The article intends to share the results and insights from these measurements, providing valuable data on the impact and usage of KB collection images on Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons.


Reuse indicators for KB images in Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons, the 2023 update.pdf

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