Published January 22, 2024 | Version v1
Report Open

2nd International Research Software Funders Workshop Summary

  • 1. ROR icon Netherlands eScience Center
  • 2. Research Software Alliance
  • 3. ROR icon National Institutes of Health
  • 4. ROR icon University of Edinburgh
  • 5. The University of Manchester
  • 6. ROR icon Simon Fraser University
  • 7. ROR icon Digital Research Alliance of Canada
  • 8. SciLifeLab
  • 9. ROR icon UK Research and Innovation
  • 10. University of São Paulo
  • 11. ROR icon The Alan Turing Institute
  • 12. ROR icon Australian Research Data Commons
  • 13. ROR icon University of Toronto


This report summarizes the 2nd International Research Software Funders Workshop, including its discussions and suggestions. From September 18-20, 2023, the Digital Research Alliance of Canada (the Alliance) and the Research Software Alliance (ReSA) co-convened this hybrid workshop, which brought together 50 representatives from more than 35 organizations from across the globe – including funders and organizations that support research software – to collaborate in Montreal, Canada, and online.

People are at the heart of research software sustainability and funders can lead the way by investing in the people who develop and maintain research software. That is why the workshop theme was “Investing in People: Anticipating the Future of Research Software”. The event aimed to set the future agenda for government, philanthropic, and industry funders to support sustainable research software and communities.

During the three-day workshop, experts explored how research software funders can facilitate capacity building through funder practices; research software platforms, infrastructure, and communities; and new initiatives. Moreover, Version 1.0 of the Amsterdam Declaration on Funding Research Software Sustainability ( was released and is now available for signing. The recommendations in informed the structure of the workshop’s breakout sessions, with a focus on research software practice; research software ecosystem; research software personnel; and research software ethics.



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