Published January 22, 2024 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Data for the Discrete Image correlation tutorial of spam

  • 1. ROR icon Sols, Solides, Structures, Risques
  • 2. ROR icon École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne


Data and folder structure for the Discrete Image Correlation tutorial of spam available here: spam DDIC tutorial

The objective of the tutorial is to measure particle kinematics (i.e., particle tracking) with the scripts available in spam. The data used is from a study on granular materials using x-ray tomography, available here: Article. The experiment is called LENGP04, and correspond to a cylinder full of lentils initially oriented at 45° and deformed under triaxial compression. Repeated x-ray tomography scans are taken each 1% of axial shortening. The data of the tutorial correspond to the grey-scale volumes of the first six scans, (from LENGP04_00.tif to LENGP05_00.tif), as well as the segmentation of the initial scan (LENGP04_00-lab.tif).

The complete dataset with the grey-scale volumes for all the specimens of the experimental campaign, along with the processed results, is available here: Zenodo link.


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