Published April 17, 2016 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Baranowskiobius bimaculatus Dellapé & Melo & Henry 2016, SP. NOV.



(FIGS 43B, 44B, 45E–H, 48)


Without or with a few long erect setae on pronotum and scutellum. Hemelytra with the corial margin serrate and a large whitish subapical spot. Male protibia with five spiniferous tubercles, each bearing a seta on the distal half, the proximal seta large, forming a strong spine.

Description (Fig. 43B)

Holotype: ♂. Total length 7.60.

Head: Convex dorsally, coriaceous, dark brown, shiny, with abundant short recumbent semi-erect and erect setae dorsally. Head length 1.51, width 1.12. Postocular length 0.67. Ocelli large, placed posterior of an imaginary line passing the posterior border of eyes. Interocular width 0.48, interocellar width 0.24. Labium brown, segment II paler, with short erect setae; surpassing procoxae, almost extending to mesocoxae. Labial segment lengths: I 0.80, II 0.99, III 0.72, and IV 0.45. Antennal tubercles slightly divergent. Antenna pale brown, apical region of basiflagellomere and distiflagellomere darker, distiflagellomere with a wide pale band sub-basally; all segments with abundant short recumbent setae. Antennal lengths: scape 0.83, pedicel 1.62, basiflagellomere 1.49, and distiflagellomere 1.52. Length of pale band on distiflagellomere 0.40.

Thorax: Pronotum with very short adpressed setae; anterior pronotal lobe dark brown, collar and posteri- or pronotal lobe paler, posterior lobe with four irregular longitudinal pale stripes. Maximum width of anterior pronotal lobe behind middle. Collar length 0.13, anterior lobe length 0.88, posterior lobe length 0.58; anterior lobe width 1.01, posterior lobe width 1.55. Pleurae dark brown, acetabular areas paler, with short recumbent adpressed setae. Scutellum dark brown, punctate, with setae as on anterior lobe of pronotum. Hemelytra with short recumbent setae. General colour dark brown (Fig. 43B); costal margin on proximal three- quarters and a subapical inner corial spot pale. Membrane brown, with veins and an apical spot paler. Corial margin serrated. Legs: Coxae yellowish brown; femora creamy basally, apical two-thirds of profemur and distal half (approximately) of meso- and metafemur brown; tibiae and tarsi pale brown, except apex of tibiae and pretarsus darker (Fig. 44B); darker region of profemur weakly mottled. Femora with sparse short erect setae. Protibia with five spiniferous tubercles, each bearing a spiniform seta on distal half, the proximal seta large, forming a strong spine.

Abdomen: Dark brown, with abundant short recumbent setae. Male genitalia: Pygophore (Fig. 45E, F) rounded; anterior margin of dorsal aperture rounded. Parameres: Figure 45 (G, H). Aedeagus unspined, vesica with two slightly sclerotized lobes basally and laterally; ejaculatory ductus thickened before coil; processus gonopori long, slightly broadened towards apex.

Variability observed in other material studied

Some specimens have the apical region of basiflagellomere reddish brown. In addition, the colour pattern of the posterior pronotal lobe and hemelytra varies in some details. Some specimens, such as the holotype, have only very short setae on the anterior pronotal lobe and scutellum, whereas other specimens in both sexes have a few long erect setae on the anterior pronotal lobe and scutellum. It is probable that these long setae are very fragile and are broken in the specimens appearing not to have them. In general, females have a shorter anterior pronotal lobe and, as a result, the labium reaches the mesocoxae, and lack spiniform tubercles on protibia.


Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay (Fig. 48).

This species is common within its range and is frequently taken at lights.


The specific epithet ‘ bimaculatus ’ is an adjective referring to the two distinct white spots on the apical third of the corium.

Type material

Holotype: ♂, ARGENTINA, P.N. Chaco, 26°48′25″S, 59°36′26″W, 26-IX-2009, Trampa de luz, P.M. Dellapé & M.C. Melo (MLP).

Paratypes: ARGENTINA, Chaco: 3♂, 5♀, same data as for holotype (MLP); 1♂, 4♀, P.N. Chaco, entrance, 26°48′34,1″S, 59°36′21,9″W, 27-IX-2009, P. Dellapé & M.C. Melo (MLP); 1♀, P.N. Chaco, 26°48′25″S, 59°26′36.5″W, 17/ 28-X-2009, Trampa de luz, R. Pfoh (MLP); 4♂, 1♀, Resistencia, III-1988, Mitre (USNM); Corrientes: 2♂, Ituzaingó, Reserva Santa María, 30-X-2003, light, P.M. Dellapé (MLP); Santiago del Estero: 2♂, 4♀, Quimili, 12-III- [19]92, L.E. Peña (USNM). BOLIVIA: Santa Cruz: 2♂, Saavedra, Res. Sta., 22-III-1978, UVtrap, C.R. Ward & C.W. O’Brien (USNM). Brazil, Sao Paulo, 1♀, Cosmópolis, 22-I-1974, J.G. Rozen, F.C. Thomson & J.S. Moure (AMNH); 1♂, 25-I-1974, J.G. Rozen, F.C. Thomson & J.S. Moure (AMNH); 2♂, 2♀, Linhares, IX-1972, M. Alvarenga (AMNH). PARA- GUAY: Central: 1♂, 2♀, Cord. San Bernardino, Lago Ypacarai, 6/ 7-XI-1987, black light trap, J. Kochalka (USNM); 4♂, 4♀, 7/8-XI-[19]87, black light trap, J. Kochalka (USNM).

Additional material studied ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires: 1♀, La Lucila del Mar, I-1999, luz, D.L. Carpintero (MLP); 1♂, Lanús, I-1979, D.L. Carpintero (MACN); Chaco: 1♀, Reserva del Loro Hablador, XI-2006, light, G. Marti (MLP); 1♂, Resistencia, XI-[19]52 (MLP); 2♀, R.S. Peña, VII- 1971 (MLP); 1♀, Río de Oro, IX-1962 (MLP); 4♂, 8♀, Fontana (MLP); 1♀, 40 km Tres Estacas, 27°4′58.8″S- 61°31′38.4″W, 20/ 30-XI-2008, Marti & Pelliza (MLP); Córdoba: 1♀, Depto. Tulumba, Cerro Colorado, XI- 1998, A. Cicchino (MACN); 1♀, Cruz del Eje, 5-II- 1999, J.E. Barriga (MACN); Corrientes: 1♂, Manantiales (MLP); 1♂, Manantiales, Colonia Inés Apostol, 1960 (MLP); 1♂, Paso de La Patria, 28-VIII-1963 (MLP); 1♂, San Roque, 2003, luz, M.C. Melo (MLP); 1♂, I-1921, De Carlo (MLP); 5♂, 5♀, Ituzaingó, Reserva Santa María, 30-X-2003, light, P.M. Dellapé (MLP); 1♀, Reserva Santa María, 27-IV-2003, luz, P.M. Dellapé (MLP); 1♀, 29-IV-2003, light, P.M. Dellapé (MLP); 1♀, Pellegrini, 6-XII-2001, light, P.M. Dellapé (MLP); Entre Ríos: 1♀, Liebig, I-2003, light L. Caire (MLP); 2♂, Brazo Largo, II-[19]39 (MLP); 1♀, X-[19]93, Peña & Ugarte (USNM); Formosa: 7♂, 5♀, Ea. (Estancia) ‘ La Marcela’, 35 km E de El Colorado, VIII-2003, light, J. Williams (MLP); 1♂, VIII-2003, light, F. Brusa (MLP); Misiones: 1♂, Departamento Concepción, Santa María, XII- 1947, M. Viana (MLP); 1♂, Posadas, D.L. Carpintero (MACN); Neuquén: 1♂, Catandil, 25-II-1942, M. Biraben (MLP); Rio Negro: 1♀, Rio Limay, 25-XI-[19]90, L.E. Peña (USNM); Salta: 1♂, Orán (MLP); 1♂, 1♀, Rio Sauzal, 16-X-[19]33 (MLP); Santa Fe: 1♂, Rafaela, 8-XI-[19]32 (MLP); 1♂, 2♀, Santa Fe (MLP); Santiago del Estero: 10♀, Añatuya, II-1999, light, D.L. Carpintero (MACN); 4♂, 5♀, XII-1998, light, D.L. Carpintero (MACN); 1♂, Cuestas del Salado, desvío 511, 4-XII-1928 (MLP); 1♂, Beltrán, 28-XII-[19]92, L.E. Peña (USNM); 1♂, 2♀, Telares, 3-III-[19]92, L.E. Peña (USNM); Tucumán: 1♀, Tucumán, 450 m a.s.l. (USNM). BOLIVIA: 1♀, (MLP); 1♂, 1♀, 1962 (MLP);

Cochabamba: 1♂, Chapare, Cristal Mayu,

1300 m a.s.l., 9/10-XII-[19]84, L.E. Peña (USNM);

Chuquisaca: 1♀, Monteagudo, 24-XII-[19]84, L.E. Peña

(USNM); 1♂, aircraft, 31-III-[20]02, Miami 230415

(USNM); La Paz, 1♀, La Paz, X-1956, L.E. Peña

(USNM); Santa Cruz: 2♂, 1♀, Prov. Sara, 2 km NW

Santa Rosa, 21-II-[19]69, black light trap, A. Mar-

tinez & R.E. Woodruff (USNM); 1♀, San Esteban,

Mushurina, 40 km N Santa Cruz, 1120 ft (USNM);

1♂, 1♀, Prov. Sara, Steinbach (AMNH); 1♀, 25-III-

1978, UV trap, O’Brien & Serrate (USNM); 3♂,

Mataral (N), V. Grande, 1800–2000 m a.s.l., 15/ 17- XII-1984, L.E. Peña (USNM).

BRAZIL: Sao Paulo: one without abdomen, Nova Europa, Faz. Itaquere, XII-1964, K. Lenko (MZSP); 4♂, 3♀ one without abdomen, Ilha Dos Buzios, 16- X/4-XI [1]963, Exp. Dep. Zool. (MZSP); 1♂, Ulatula, 22-X-1962, J. Malik (USNM); 1♀, Piracicaba, 12-X- 1965, blacklight, C.A. Triplehorn (AMNH); 1♀, 3-II- 1966, blacklight, C.A. Triplehorn (AMNH); 1♂, 20- I-1966, blacklight, C.A. Triplehorn (AMNH); 1♀, ESALQ, 5-III-[19]89, BL Trap, R.M. Baranowski (USNM); 1♀, Cosmopolis, 22-I-1974, J.G. Rozen, F.C. Thomson & J.S. Moure (AMNH); 1♂, 23-I- 1974, J.G. Rozen, F.C. Thomson & J.S. Moure (AMNH); 2♂, 2♀, 25-I-1974, J.G. Rozen, F.C. Thomson & J.S. Moure (AMNH); 1♂, 1♀, 26-I-1974, J.G. Rozen, F.C. Thomson & J.S. Moure (AMNH); 1♀, Gramadinha, 6-II-[19]89, R.M. Baranowski (USNM); Espirito Santo: 1♂, Concenção da Barra, X-1972, M. Alvarenga (AMNH); 11♂, 8♀, Linhares, IX- 1972, M. Alvarenga (AMNH); Pernambuco: 1♀, Bnito Prov. (USNM); Minas Gerais: 1♀, Viçosa, 13-X/ 1- XII-1985, T.J. Henry & S.P. Fiuza Ferreira (USNM); 1♂, Pedra Azul, 900 m a.s.l., XI-1972, M. Alvarenga (AMNH).

PARAGUAY: 1♀, Paraguay, XI-1989, Drake (USNM); Alto Paraguay: 1♂, 1♀, Caacupé, 15/19-XI-[19]90, G. Arriagada (USNM); Alto Paraná: 1♂, Alto Paraná, 4/12-XII-[19]90, G. Arriagada (USNM); 2♂, 1♀, 12/ 16-XI-[19]90, G. Arriagada (USNM); Boquerón: 2♀, Boquerón, 30-XI-[19]92, Drake (USNM); 1♀ one without abdomen, Boq. New Land, 14-X-90, Drake (USNM); Caaguazú: 1♂, Estancia Primera, 3-I- 1932, taken at light, R.F. Hussey (USNM); 1♂, Villa Rica, II-1934, F. Schade (USNM); 1♂, 19-VII-1937, F. Schade (USNM); 1♂, 1♀, IX-1934, F. Schade (USNM); Caazapá: 1♀, Caazapá, 19-XI-[19]91, Arriagada (USNM); Central: 1♀, Capiatá, II-1995, Drake (USNM); 1♀, XI-1993, Drake (USNM); 1♂, 1♀, 2-X-[19]93, Drake (USNM); 2♂, Capiata, II- [19]95, L.E. Peña (USNM); Concepcion: 1♀, Horqueta, 23°24′N, 57°10′W, 44 km E Paraguay river, 27-I- 1936, A. Schulze (USNM); 1♀, 8-XI-1934, A. Schulze (USNM); 1♂, 1♀, Horqueta, 1938, A. Schulze (USNM); 1♂, 17-XI-1933, A. Schulze (USNM); 1♀, 9-VI-1934, A. Schulze (USNM); 1♂, 1♀, 14-VII- 1935, A. Schulze (USNM); Cordillera: 1♀, Caacupé, Inst. Agr. Nac., 12-XII-[19]80, R.D. Cave (USNM); 1♀, 9-XII-[19]80, R.D. Cave (USNM); 1♂, 2-XII-[19]80, R.D. Cave (USNM); Distrito Capital: 2♀, Cerro Lambare, 10-XI-[19]90, Arriagada (USNM); 3♂, 2♀, Tati, 14-XI-[19]90, Arriagada (USNM); 1♀, Asunción, XI/ XII-1944, A. Schulze (USNM); 1♂, Asunción, J. Botánico, XI-[19]90, G. Arriagada (USNM); 1♂, Asunción, 16-III-[19]32 (MLP); San Pedro: 1♂, 1♀, Cororó, 23-II-[19]93, L.E. Peña (USNM); Presidente Hayes: 1♂, Monte Lindo, 13-XI-[19]93 (USNM); 1♂, Orquidaceae, 15-V-[20]02 (USNM).

URUGUAY: 1♀, Casupá, Fda., 9-III-1961, C.S. Carbonel, A. Mesa & L. Zollesi (MLP).


Published as part of Dellapé, Pablo M., Melo, María C. & Henry, Thomas J., 2016, A phylogenetic revision of the true bug genus Heraeus (Hemiptera: Rhyparochromidae: Myodochini), with the description of two new genera and 30 new species, pp. 29-134 in Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 177 (1) on pages 116-119, DOI: 10.1111/zoj.12362,


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