Balellidae Stechow 1922
Tubidendridae Nutting, 1905: 940.
Balellidae Stechow, 1922: 142.
Diagnosis. Filiferan hydroids with erect, irregularly branched, polymorphic colonies. Hydrocaulus polysiphonic. Hydrorhiza, hydrocaulus, and hydrocladia covered with perisarc, although naked coenosarc may also be present. Gastrozooids club-shaped to pyriform; tentacles filiform, in two widely separated whorls, one proximally and another mid-distally on hydranth; hypostome elongate. Gonozooids small, slender, with one or no tentacles; bearing medusa buds. Dactylozooids present on hydrocaulus and hydrocladia, digitate, solid, lacking perisarc over most or all of length.
Gonophores free medusae, borne on gonozooids; radial canals four; marginal tentacles four, solitary, short.
Remarks. The name Tubidendridae, first applied to this family by Nutting (1905), is not available [ICZN Art.] because it was not formed from the stem of an available generic name included in the taxon when it was established (Calder 1988). It was replaced by the name Balellidae by Stechow (1922).
Affinities and classification of Balellidae have been difficult to resolve because little is known about the life cycle in species of the group. Jäderholm (1919) and Schuchert (2003) established the presence of medusa buds arising from gonozooids in Balella mirabilis (Nutting, 1905), but the adult medusa has yet to be described. Gonophores have not been observed in the only other putative species in the family, B. irregularis (Fraser, 1938a). Stechow (1923b) included the taxon as a subfamily of Clavidae McCrady, 1859, while authors including Millard (1975), Hirohito (1988), and Bouillon (1995) included it in Bougainvilliidae Lütken, 1850. Calder (1988) regarded it as a distinct family, closer to Clavidae [now Oceaniidae Eschscholtz, 1829] than to Bougainvilliidae. Recent authors have also recognized it as a distinct family (Calder et al. 2003; Schuchert 2003; Bouillon et al. 2006). Schuchert (2003), and Nutting (1905) earlier, suggested that affinities of the family were with Hydractiniidae L. Agassiz, 1862, given the polymorphic character of zooids and the occurrence of naked coenosarc on stems of both B. mirabilis and B. irregularis.
Balellidae includes the single genus Balella Stechow, 1919, and two species.
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- Journal article: 10.11646/zootaxa.2590.1.1 (DOI)
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- Family
- Balellidae
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- Animalia
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- Anthoathecata
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- Cnidaria
- Scientific name authorship
- Stechow
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- Taxonomic concept label
- Balellidae Stechow, 1922 sec. Calder, 2010
- Stechow, E. (1922) Zur Systematik der Hydrozoen, Stromatoporen, Siphonophoren, Anthozoen und Ctenophoren. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, 88, 141 - 155.
- Nutting, C. C. (1905) Hydroids of the Hawaiian Islands collected by the steamer Albatross in 1902. Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission for 1903, pp. 931 - 959.
- Calder, D. R. (1988) Shallow-water hydroids of Bermuda: the Athecatae. Royal Ontario Museum, Life Sciences Contributions, 148, 1 - 107.
- Jaderholm, E. (1919) Zur Kenntnis der Hydroidenfauna Japans. Arkiv for Zoologi, 12 (9), 1 - 34.
- Schuchert, P. (2003) Hydroids (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) of the Danish Expedition to the Kei Islands. Steenstrupia, 27, 137 - 256.
- Fraser, C. M. (1938 a) Hydroids of the 1934 Allan Hancock Pacific Expedition. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions, 4, 1 - 105.
- Stechow, E. (1923 b) Zur Kenntnis der Hydroidenfauna des Mittelmeeres, Amerikas und anderer Gebiete. II. Teil. Zoologische Jahrbucher, Abteilung fur Systematik, Okologie und Geographie der Tiere, 47, 29 - 270.
- McCrady, J. (1859) Gymnopthalmata of Charleston Harbor. Proceedings of the Elliott Society of Natural History, 1, 103 - 221.
- Millard, N. A. H. (1975) Monograph on the Hydroida of southern Africa. Annals of the South African Museum, 68, 1 - 513.
- Hirohito, The Showa Emperor (1988) The hydroids of Sagami Bay. Part 1. Athecata. Biological Laboratory, Imperial Household, Tokyo, 179 pp.
- Bouillon, J. (1995) Cnidaires. Ctenaires. Traite de zoologie. Volume 3, Fascicule 2. Masson, Paris, 1117 pp.
- Lutken, C. (1850) Nogle Bemaerkninger om Medusernes systematiske Inddeling, navnlig med Hensyn til Forbes's History of Brittish naked-eyed medusae. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra den Naturhistoriske Forening i Kjobenhavn, 1850, 15 - 35.
- Eschscholtz, F. (1829) System der Acalephen. Eine ausfurliche Beschreibung aller medusenartigen Strahltiere. Ferdinand Dummler, Berlin, 190 pp.
- Calder, D. R., Mallinson, J. J., Collins, K. & Hickman, C. P. (2003) Additions to the hydroids (Cnidaria) of the Galapagos, with a list of species reported from the islands. Journal of Natural History, 37, 1173 - 1218.
- Bouillon, J., Gravili, C., Pages, F., Gili, J. - M. & Boero, F. (2006) An introduction to Hydrozoa. Memoires du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 194, 591 pp.
- Agassiz, L. (1862) Contributions to the natural history of the United States of America. Vol. IV. Little, Brown, Boston, 380 pp.
- Stechow, E. (1919) Zur Kenntnis der Hydroidenfauna des Mittelmeeres, Amerikas und anderer Gebiete, nebst Angaben uber einige Kirchenpauer'sche Typen von Plumulariden. Zoologische Jahrbucher, Abteilung fur Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere, 42, 1 - 172.