Callibaetis calloventer Cruz & Salles & Hamada 2013, sp. nov.
- 1. Programa de Pós-graduação em Entomologia, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), CEP 69060 - 001, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil;
- 2. Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, CEP 29933 - 415 São Mateus, Espírito Santo, Brazil;
- 3. Coordenação de Pesquisas em Entomologia (CPEN), Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), CEP 69060 - 001, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil
(Figures 1–4) 8EAC97D4-43C9-4C74-AE70-0275176EB574
Known stages: I ♀ ♂, N
DiagnosisMale imago. (1) Dorsal portion of turbinate eyes oval (Figure 1A); (2) forewing hyaline with black bands transversally, medially with transversal band complete, apical third little or not pigmented (Figure 1D); (3) marginal intercalary veins paired (Figure 1D); (4) hind wing hyaline with brown mark medially and apically (Figure 1E–G); (5) costal process of hind wing compound (Figure 1E–G); (6) abdominal sterna brown with one mark sublaterally; (7) forceps segment I wide at base (Figure 1C).
Female imago. (1) Forewing completely dark brown, meeting of longitudinal veins with the posterior margin white (Figure 1I); (2) marginal intercalary veins paired (Figure 1I); (3) hind wing completely dark brown with white veins (Figure 1J–L); (4) costal process of hind wing compound (Figure 1J–L); (5) abdominal sterna anterolaterally with red mark; submedially on middle region with two brown marks; sublaterally on anterior region with one reddish mark (Figure 1M); (6) abdominal terga III, V and VII with two oblique red marks (Figure 1H).
Mature nymph. (1) Antenna without spines or fine, simple setae (Figure 2A); (2) distal margin of labrum with deep medial emargination (Figure 2B); (3) lateral and anterolateral margin of labrum with long, fine simple setae; distal margin medially with short, robust frayed setae (Figure 2B); (4) maxillary palp short, less than two-thirds length of galea-lacinia (Figure 2F); (5) glossa longer than paraglossa (Figure 2G); (6) labial palp segment I with spine-like setae (Figure 2G, H); (7) anterior surface of forefemur with robust spine-like setae near dorsal margin and without setae near ventral margin (Figure 3B); (8) fore tarsus ventrally with one row of short and long spine-like setae (Figure 3C); (9) mid and hind femora similar to foreleg; (10) mid and hind tarsal claw without minute spines on surface (Figure 3F); (11) gills VII with one fold (Figure 4G); (12) cerci with short spines on all segments (Figure 4I); (13) terminal filament with spines on every three segments (Figure 4J).
DescriptionMale imago. Length: body, 5.4 mm; forewing, 4.8 mm; hind wing, 0.8 mm; antenna, 1.2 mm; tibia, 1 mm. (n = 2) Head (Figure 1A, B). Coloration brown. Turbinate portion of compound eyes dorsally yellowish brown, stalk yellowish brown, basally brown. Antenna with scape, pedicel and flagellum dark brown. Dorsal portion of turbinate eyes oval; length (L in Figure 1A) 1.4 × width (W in Figure 1A); stalk height (SH in Figure 1B) 1.1 × dorsal portion height (DPH in Figure 1B); inner margins parallel, not reaching each other. Thorax (Figure 1A, B). Anteronotal protuberance medially light brown, submedially brown, laterally light brown; mesoscutum brown; submesoscutum light brown; posterior scutal protuberance and scutellum brown. Anteronotal and metascutellar protuberance rounded. Legs. Femur I with trachea
black pigmented in posterior surface, tibia I with brown mark basally on ventral margin and other apically on dorsal margin, tarsus I brown; femora II and III similar femur I; tibiae II and III with light brown mark basally on ventral margin and other apically on dorsal margin, tarsi II and III light brown. Leg I: tibia 0.7 × length of femur; tarsus 0.5 × length of femur. Leg III: tibia 0.7 × length of femur; tarsus 0.4 × length of femur. Wings. Forewing (Figure 1D) hyaline with black bands transversally, medially with transversal band complete; apical third with little or no pigmentation; veins white; stigmatic area with 10 cross veins touching subcostal vein; marginal intercalary veins (red arrow in Figure 1D) paired; length of each intercalary vein 0.5–0.8 × distance between adjacent longitudinal veins; length of forewing (LF in Figure 1D) about 2.7 × width (WF in Figure 1D). Hind wing (Figure 1E–G) hyaline with brown mark medially and apically; with nine cross veins; costal process compound. Abdomen. Terga brown with two light brown marks submedially; tracheation not pigmented. Sterna brown with one mark sublaterally. Caudal filaments lost. Genitalia (Figure 1C). Forceps whitish brown. Forceps segment I wide at base; 0.4 × length of segment II; distance between base of forceps (BF in Figure 1C) 0.25 × distance between lateral margins of forceps (LMF in Figure 1C). Forceps segment III oval, 1.5 × as long as wide; 0.1 × length of segment II. Posterior margin of styliger plate with small medial projection.
Female imago. Length: body, 6.9 mm; cercus, 7.2 mm; forewing, 5.4 mm; hind wing, 2.2 mm; antenna, 0.8 mm; tibia I, 1 mm; tibia II, 1.2 mm; tibia III, 1.2 mm. (n = 2). Head (Figure 1H). Coloration brown, with dark brown areas; compound eyes black. Antenna with scape brown, pedicel dark brown and flagellum dark brown with base white. Thorax (Figure 1H, M). Pronotum with two red marks sublaterally; anteronotal protuberance dark brown; mesoscutum light brown; submesoscutum dark brown; posterior scutal protuberance dark brown and brown; scutellum white. Anteronotal and metascutellar protuberance rounded. Legs. Femora I, II and III with trachea black pigmented in posterior surface, one red mark in base of posterior surface; tibiae I, II and III light brown with one dark brown mark on base ventrally and other on apex dorsally; tarsi I, II and II light brown. Leg I: tibia 1.1 × length of femur; tarsus 0.75 × length of femur. Leg II: tibia 0.9 × length of femur; tarsus 0.5 × length of femur. Leg III: tibia 0.8 × length of femur; tarsus 0.3 × length of femur. Wings. Forewing (Figure 1I) completely dark brown, meeting of longitudinal veins with the posterior margin white; veins white; stigmatic area with 10 cross veins touching subcostal vein; marginal intercalary veins paired; length of each intercalary vein 0.5–0.7 × distance between adjacent longitudinal veins; length of forewing about 2.3 × width. Hind wing (Figure 1J–L) completely dark brown with white veins; one incomplete, not reaching apex of hind wing and two complete longitudinal veins; one or two marginal intercalary veins; wing with 11–17 cross veins; costal process compound. Abdomen (Figure 1H, M). Terga white with many brown spots and two brown marks submedially; laterally and sublaterally with red marks, terga III, V and VII with two oblique red marks. Tracheation black. Sterna light brown with many brown spots; anterolaterally with red mark; submedially on middle region with two brown marks; sublaterally on anterior region with one reddish mark. Caudal filaments white with base of segments dark brown.
Mature nymph. Length: body, 6.8 mm; cercus, 4.9 mm; terminal filament, 2.4 mm; antenna, 6 mm. (n = 2) Head. Coloration: light brownish yellow. Turbinate portion of male compound eyes yellowish brown. Antenna white, without spines or fine, simple setae (Figure 2A). Labrum (Figure 2B). Excavate medially; length about 0.8 × maximum width; distal margin with deep medial emargination; lateral and anterolateral margins with long, fine simple setae; distal margin medially with short and robust frayed setae; dorsally with many, long, fine, simple setae scattered over anterolateral surface; submarginal row of setae absent; ventrally with short, spine-like setae near lateral margin and many long, simple setae near anterolateral margin. Right mandible (Figure 2C) with 4 + 3 denticles; prostheca slender and simple; margin between prostheca and mola convex; tuft of spine-like setae at base of mola present. Denticles of mola apically constricted. Tuft of setae at apex of mola present; lateral margins slightly convex; basal half with short, fine, simple setae and pores scattered over dorsal surface. Left mandible (Figure 2D) with 4 + 3 denticles; prostheca robust and bifid; margin between prostheca and mola concave; tuft of spine-like setae at base of mola present; subtriangular process wide, at the same level as area between prostheca and mola; denticles of mola not constricted; tuft of setae at apex of mola present; lateral margins slightly convex; basal half with short, fine, simple setae and pores scattered over dorsal surface. Hypopharynx (Figure 2E). Lingua with three lobes in distal margin; superlingua not expanded; short, fine, simple setae scattered over distal margin of lingua and superlingua. Maxilla (Figure 2F). Double row of setae with spines on outer margin,two denti-setae with spines and one bipectinate. Medial protuberance of galea with 1 + 5 spine-like setae. Maxillary palp short, less than two-thirds length of galea-lacinia; palp segment II 0.2 × length of segment I; outer margin of segment I scattered with robust, short, pointed setae and long, fine, simple setae; segment II without setae. Labium (Figure 2G, H). Glossa basally narrow and longer than paraglossa; inner margin with 14 spine-like setae; apex with three to five long spine-like setae; outer margin with many long spine-like setae. Ventral surface scattered with short, fine, simple setae. Paraglossa curved inward; apex bare. Ventrally with many long, fine, simple setae. Labial palp with segment I 0.8 × length of segments II and III combined; segment I covered with micropores, near outer margin with robust simple setae; segment II without distomedial protuberance; inner and outer margin, respectively, with five robust, short spine-like setae and simple, fine and long setae; dorsally with row of six short spine-like setae; segment III concave; length 2.3 × width; covered with spine-like simple setae along margins and fine, simple setae, scattered over outer surface. Thorax. Light brownish yellow. Foreleg (Figure 3A–C). White with black spots on posterior surface. Ratio of foreleg 1.6: (0.6 mm): 0.8: 0.6. Forefemur. Length about 6 × maximum width; dorsally with row of short, spine-like setae; apex with two robust spine-like setae; length of setae about 0.2 × maximum width of femur; ventrally with one row of short spine-like and long spine-like setae. Anterior surface with robust spine-like setae near dorsal margin and without setae near ventral margin. Tibia. Dorsally with one or four short spine-like setae and with many long, fine, simple setae; ventrally with one row of short and long spine-like setae. Anterior surface with row of short, robust spine-like setae. Tarsus. Dorsally bare; ventrally one row of short and long spine-like setae. Tarsal claw with two rows of denticles increasing in size distally, many minutes spines on surface. Hind leg (Figure 3D–F) similar foreleg except tarsal claw, without minute spines on surface. Abdomen (Figure 4A). Light brownish yellow. Terga. Posterior margin with regular spines, 3 × as long as wide (Figure 4B). Sterna. Surface with scattered fine, simple setae. Gills (Figure 4C–G). Margin with short, fine and simple setae; trachea black pigmented, extending from main trunk to outer margin. Gill I about 2 × length of segment II, with two folds; trachea black pigmented. Gill IV as long as length of segments V to VI combined, with two folds. Gill VII as long as length of segments VIII to half IX combined, with one fold. Paraproct (Figure 4H) with 25–30 marginal spines; surface with micropores and short, fine, simple setae; posterolateral extension with marginal spines. Terminal filament (Figure 4J) light brownish yellow; posterior margin of segments with spines on every three segments. Cerci (Figure 4I) with short spines on all segments.
EtymologyThe specific epithet is a reference to the beauty of the abdominal colour pattern (calloventer, from Greek and Latin, meaning “beautiful abdomen”).
CommentsThe adults of C. calloventer sp. nov. and C. cruentus sp. nov. are similar, female imago of C. calloventer sp. nov. has two red marks on abdominal terga III, V and VII (Figure 1H), while these marks are absent in C. cruentus sp. nov. (Figure 5G); male imago of C. calloventer sp. nov. has forceps segment I wide at base (Figure 1C), while C. cruentus sp. nov. has forceps segment I cylindrical (Figure 5C).
Material examinedHolotype. female imago, BRAZIL, Rondônia, Porto Velho, Lake of Reserva Kaiari (8 ◦ 51 ′ 7.38 ′′ S, 63 ◦ 57 ′ 33.72 ′′ W), 26 / v / 2007, P. V. Cruz col. (INPA).
Paratypes. male imago, two female subimagos, nymph, Lake of Reserva Kaiari, 26 / v / 2007, P. V. Cruz col. (CZNC). Nymph, Lake of Reserva Kaiari, 8 / vi / 2007, P. V. Cruz col. (INPA). Male imago, BRAZIL, Roraima, Boa Vista, 13 / xi / 2006, illuminated sheet, J. N. Falcão col. (INPA). Female imago, BRAZIL, Amazonas, Presidente Figueiredo, Igarapé Pantera (1 ◦ 28 ′ 29.82 ′′ S, 60 ◦ 16 ′ 26.52 ′′ W), AM 240 – Km 20, 20 / x / 2008, illuminated sheet, P. V. Cruz col. (INPA). Seven exuviae, 11 female subimagos, female imago, 10 nymphs, BRAZIL, Amazonas, Manaus, Reserva Biológica de Cuieiras – ZF2 (03 ◦ 10 ′ 59.9 S, 060 ◦ 05 ′ 17.7 ′′ W), sheet and reared, 06 / vi / 2008, P. V. Cruz col. (INPA). Eight male imagos, seven male subimagos, 25 female imagos, six female subimagos, BRAZIL, Amazonas, Manaus, Reserva Biológica de Cuieiras – ZF2, sheet and reared, 14 / vii / 2008, P. V. Cruz col. (INPA).
DistributionBrazil: Rondônia state, Porto Velho county; Roraima state, Boa Vista county; Amazonas state, Presidente Figueiredo county and Manaus county.
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Additional details
- Collection code
- CZNC, V , INPA , INPA, V , V , V, INPA
- Event date
- 2006-11-13 , 2007-05-26 , 2007-06-08 , 2008-06-06 , 2008-07-14 , 2008-10-20
- Family
- Baetidae
- Genus
- Callibaetis
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Material sample ID
- AM 240
- Order
- Ephemeroptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Cruz & Salles & Hamada
- Species
- calloventer
- Taxonomic status
- sp. nov.
- Taxon rank
- species
- Type status
- holotype , paratype
- Verbatim event date
- 2006-11-13 , 2007-05-26 , 2007-06-08 , 2008-06-06 , 2008-07-14 , 2008-10-20
- Taxonomic concept label
- Callibaetis calloventer Cruz, Salles & Hamada, 2013