Published May 7, 2013 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Cryptocephalus (Heterichnus) Warchalowski 1991

  • 1. Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Arts, Uşak University, Uşak, Turkey;
  • 2. Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Arts, Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey


Subgenus Heterichnus Warchałowski, 1991

C. loebli Sassi, 1997: TR-A: AMA, BOL, KRB, ZON (Sassi 1997; Sassi and Kısmalı 2000; Warchałowski 2003; Gök et al. 2010; Özdikmen 2011)

C. prusias Suffrian, 1853: TR-A: ADA, AMA, ANK, BAL, BIL, BOL, BRS, CNK, ESK, EZU, GUM, HAT, ISP, IST, KON, KUT, MER, MUS, SIV, TOK – TR-E: KRK (Weise 1884a; Medvedev 1970; Tomov and Gruev 1975; Tomov 1978; Gruev and Tomov 1984; Aslan 1997; Aslan and Özbek 1997a; Sassi and Kısmalı 2000; Gök 2002; Turanlı et al. 2002; Warchałowski 2003; Gruev 2004, 2005a; Gök and Çilbiroğlu 2005; Atay and Çam 2006; Şen and Gök 2009) [= C. delagrangei Pic, 1898]


Published as part of Ekiz, Ali Nafiz, Şen, İsmail, Aslan, Ebru Gül & Gök, Ali, 2013, Checklist of leaf beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) of Turkey, excluding Bruchinae, pp. 2213-2287 in Journal of Natural History 47 (33 - 34) on page 2229, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2012.763069,


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  • Sassi D. 1997. Cryptocephalus (Homalopus) loebli n. sp. from Turkey (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Cryptocephalinae). Rev Suisse Zool. 104; 1: 57 - 60.
  • Sassi D, Kismali S. 2000. The Cryptocephalinae of Turkey, with informations on their distribution and ecology (Coleoptera; Chrysomelidae). Mem Soc Entomol. 78; 1: 71 - 129.
  • Warchalowski A. 2003. Chrysomelidae: the leaf beetles of Europe and the mediterranean Area. Warszawa: Natura optima dux Foundation; 600 p.
  • Gok A, Ekiz AN, Kucukkayki EC, Sen I. 2010. Rediscovery of Cryptocephalus (Heterichnus) loebli (Coleoptera; Chrysomelidae; Cryptocephalinae), A poorly known species from Turkey J Entomol Res Soc. 12; 3: 51 - 55.
  • Ozdikmen H. 2011. A comprehensive contribution for leaf beetles of Turkey with a zoogeographical evaluation for all Turkish fauna (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Mun Ent Zool. 6; 2: 540 - 638.
  • Weise J. 1884 a. Beitrag zur Chrysomeliden-Fauna von Amasia. Deut Entomol Z. 28: 157 - 160.
  • Medvedev LN. 1970. A List of Chrysomelidae Collected by Dr. W. Wittmer in Turkey (Coleoptera). Rev Suisse Zool. 77; 2: 309 - 319.
  • Tomov V, Gruev B. 1975. Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) collected by K. M. Guichard in Turkey, Greece and Yugoslavia. Trav Sci Univ Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Biology. 13; 4: 133 - 151.
  • Tomov V. 1978. Uber die Nomenklatur zweier Cryptocephalus Arten. Acta Zool Bulg. 11: 60 - 64.
  • Gruev B, Tomov V. 1984. Fauna Bulgarica 13, Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Part I, Orsodacninae, Zeugophorinae, Donaciinae, Criocerinae, Clytrinae, Cyrptocephalinae, Lamprosomatinae, Eumolpinae. Sofia: In Aedibus Academie Scientiarum Bulgaricae. 220 p.
  • Aslan I, Ozbek H. 1997 a. The Check - List of the Subfamily Cryptocephalinae (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) in Turkey. Ataturk Univ Zir Fak Der. 28; 2: 235 - 255.
  • Gruev B. 2004. The leaf beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) of the Sredna Gora Mountains (Bulgaria), fauna and zoogeography. Trav Sci Univ Plovdiv Animalia. 40; 6: 77 - 96.
  • Gruev B. 2005 a. A comparative list of the leaf beetles of the balkan countries (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Trav Sci Univ Plovdiv Animalia. 41: 23 - 46.
  • Gok A, Cilbiroglu EG. 2005. Studies on the abundance, biology and harmfulness of leaf beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in natural bush vegetation in Isparta, Turkey. J Pest Sci. 78; 1: 13 - 15.
  • Atay T, Cam H. 2006. Tokat ili Chrysomelinae ve Cryptocephalinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) turleri uzerinde faunistik arastirmalar. Turk Entomol Derg. 30; 4: 285 - 302.
  • Sen I, Gok A. 2009. Leaf beetle communities (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) of two mixed forest ecosystems dominated by pine - oak - hawthorn in Isparta province, Turkey. Ann Zool Fenn. 46: 217 - 232.