Published May 7, 2013 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Crioceris Geoffroy 1762

  • 1. Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Arts, Uşak University, Uşak, Turkey;
  • 2. Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Arts, Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey


Genus Crioceris Geoffroy, 1762

C. asparagi (Linnaeus 1758): TR-A: AKS, AMA, ANT, IZM, KAY, KRB, KRS, OSM (Gül-Zümreoğlu 1972; Tomov and Gruev 1975; Gruev and Tomov 1984; Turanlı et al. 2002; Gök and Çilbiroğlu 2003; Warchałowski 2003; Özdikmen and Turgut 2008b; Aslan et al. 2009; Özdikmen and Aslan 2009)

Material examined: Isparta (ISP) province: Isparta-Antalya highway 450 m, 6 June 2008, leg. İ. Şen, 8 specimens.

Note: This species is reported from Turkey as subspecies C. asparagi maculipes (Gebler 1834); however, Schmitt (2010) recently treated the subspecies as synonym of C. asparagi.

C. bicruciata (Sahlberg 1823): TR-A: AYD, IGD, ISP, IZM, KRS, MAN (Sahlberg 1913; Tomov and Gruev 1975; Gruev and Tomov 1984; Aslan 2000a; Turanlı et al. 2002; Warchałowski 2003; Gruev 2005a; Özdikmen and Turgut 2008b; Şen and Gök 2009)

C. duodecimpunctata (Linnaeus 1758): TR-A: AKS, AMA, ANK, EZU, IZM, KAY, KON, KRS, NIG, SAM – TR-E (Medvedev 1970; Gül-Zümreoğlu 1972; Tomov and Gruev 1975; Gruev and Tomov 1984; Aslan 2000a; Turanlı et al. 2002; Gruev 2005a; Özdikmen and Turgut 2008b)

C. paracenthesis (Linnaeus 1767): TR-A: ISP, KRS – TR-E: IST (Aslan 2000a; Gök and Çilbiroğlu 2003; Gruev 2005b)

C. quatuordecimpunctata (Scopoli 1763): TR-A: KRS (Aslan 2000a; Schöller 2002)

C. sokolowi Jakobson, 1894: TR-A: ANK, KON, NIG (Özdikmen and Turgut 2008b)


Published as part of Ekiz, Ali Nafiz, Şen, İsmail, Aslan, Ebru Gül & Gök, Ali, 2013, Checklist of leaf beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) of Turkey, excluding Bruchinae, pp. 2213-2287 in Journal of Natural History 47 (33 - 34) on page 2218, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2012.763069,


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Crioceris Geoffroy, 1762 sec. Ekiz, Şen, Aslan & Gök, 2013


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